Copyright © 2016 - 2023, The Troy Press
Copyright © 2016 - 2023, The Troy Press
Bio: Dragoon1 has been a member of The Troy Press commenting commnuity for some time.
Currently living in South Philadelphia (East Passyunk), Dragoon1 is an East Coast transplant. He moved here in the late 90s from the bowels of John Boehner-land, SW Ohio. He has a degree in Anthropology and a MLA; a passion for studying cultures, economics, politics and history. Also, when not battling neoliberal skulks, he enjoys photography (see, Instagram), playing music and sleeping. He lives with his two dogs.
Hi people,
I am grateful for this site and all the people that have worked so hard to get it off the ground—and especially for the opportunity to add my voice to the progressive blogosphere. Like many of you, I am a reject from the CTR-controlled sites [fauxgressive: a person or entity feigning progressive beliefs for ulterior motives]. I am just a normal guy that has had enough; an American who fears what his country has become; a progressive that loathes neoliberalism; an independent that distrusts strident partisanship; and a human that hopes we as a species stop destroying the planet.
I hope to be a benefit to this site and its mission to help foster progressivism.