Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

The Troy Press' Coverage of The USA's Presidential Election, 2020

The 2020 Presidential election in the United States of America will likely prove the most meaningful election in world history, given how little time remains for humanity to act to save a substantial fraction of Earth's biosphere from stupid humans. Our present Holocene Extinction Event - initiated by humans - might even take out humanity, however, at the very least, the path we're on is extremely likely to result in an end to industrialized civilization within the lifespans of a good proportion of those humans now living. (...And I'm not thinking here of the substantial risk of thermonuclear war, but rather the rapacious nature of those who are really in control - the ultra-rich, though certainly Hillary Clinton's ill-advised no-fly-zone policy with Russia in Syria in the 2016 cycle represented exactly such a risk - two thermonuclar armed powers facing off in a shooting-war, what could go wrong?!)

The stakes could not be higher.

Our choice is; will we react sensibly and perhaps survive this, or will we act irresponsibly and end up wiping ourselves and much of the biosphere off the face of the planet?

Given the power of the USA at present, and given our nearly unitary-executive presidency, who occupies the White House could not be more vital. So, we all should be doing our homework!

And that's what this article is all about!

Here are our choices, in alphabetical order, though I'm starting with my favorites as I populate this over some days:

Tulsi Gabbard, Democratic Candidate

Representative, HI-2 since 2013


Progressive Credentials

  • Tulsi is the only candidate who's unequivocally against Regime Change wars.
  • Tulsi is arguably even more Progressive than Bernie Sanders, matching him in all domestic policies, but besting him regarding international policies, primarily by being much more direct about being against most wars.


Progressive Complaints

  • Tulsi hasn't explicitly indicated the Iraq war, where she served, was an illegal / immoral war.

Bernie Sanders, Democratic Candidate

Senator, VT since 2007 (in office since 1981)


Progressive Credentials

  • Bernie has over 55 years as an advocate for Progressive Values, such as equal rights - the longest track record of being on the correct side of issues of any presidential candidate, possibly in history, but certainly in this cycle.
  • Bernie has more legislation enacted into federl law than any other currently seated legislator (House or Senate), accomplished largely through the use of the Rider and Amendment processes. He's made a career of fixing, or at least improving other legislator's bad bills.
  • Bernie has proven that individual donors can fund expensive campaigns, such as for POTUS, largely enabling the current Progressive Wave we have seen since the 2016 cycle.


Progressive Complaints

  • Bernie could do more to complain about the USA's immoral wars such as the pending conflicts now being fomented against Venezuela and Iran. He presently hasn't "said no" to either of these wars.
  • Bernie could be more vocal in support of Palestinian rights, though he has at least broached the subject a few times.

We will be adding significantly to our coverage!