Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
While covering the recent protests in Charlotte, we met Derrick Jacobs, who said he had to go through more training to become a barber than a police officer does.
We wanted to see if that was true. Because every time there's a controversial police shooting, the question comes up: How much training do officers get? Turns out, Jacobs' claim is right. And it's not just in North Carolina. In California, New Mexico and New York, you can get a badge hundreds of hours sooner than you can use a pair of barber shears.
As oil interests seek to exploit areas of the Amazon, there are fears that indigenous communities will suffer from pollution, displacement and deadly illnesses due to a lack of acquired immunity.
â€Our demand for Amazon crude is literally driving the expansion of the Amazon oil frontier and is putting millions of acres of indigenous territory and pristine rainforest on the chopping block, †said Leila Salazar-López, executive director of Amazon Watch.
â€Breaking free from oil dependence and keeping remaining
fossil fuels in the ground is an urgent, collective endeavor, and the life-giving
Amazon rainforest must be one of the first places we start.â€
Emissions from the now-defunct U.S. Smelter and Lead Refinery Inc, or USS Lead, left a potent hazard in the soil. By early this year, the EPA detected concentrations of the heavy metal so high in some yards that they could pose a serious health risk to families at the West Calumet Housing Complex. Children are told not to play outdoors.
VW and its tier one, or direct, paint suppliers in India have put additional due diligence efforts in place to make sure the mica they are buying comes from legal mines where child labor is not used, Bothge said.
"Additional efforts were also undertaken at the second tier level," Bothge said in an e-mail in response to questions. "This has led to the temporary suspension of purchases on some supply chains until the due diligence is completed and respective measures have been put in place."
VW's paint suppliers are discussing the possibility of creating an "industry
and multi-stakeholder platform" to address the issue and find solutions
to avoid child labor in the mica supply chain,
There is an emerging scientific consensus that â€as long as
those lead pipes are there, and filters are not in place, we will never again
be able to say that water coming through a lead pipe †regardless
of how good corrosion control is †is safe by modern standards,
not only in Flint, but around the United States,†the Virginia
Tech professor said.
The offensive began with unprecedentedly fierce bombing last week, followed by a ground campaign this week, burying a ceasefire that had been the culmination of months of diplomacy between Washington and Moscow.
Washington says Moscow and Damascus are guilty of war crimes for targeting civilians, hospitals, rescue workers and aid deliveries, to break the will of residents and force them to surrender. Syria and Russia say they target only militants.
In the two-and-a-half-minute silent video, Warren can be seen attempting rouse Giles while a second officer looked through a cooler that sat beside him. When Giles stood up, Warren struck him repeatedly for approximately eight seconds.
As Giles writhed on the platform floor †and as the two officers
restrained him †Warren struck him two more times.
A Michigan State University urologist has discovered that riding a roller coaster helps patients pass kidney stones with nearly a 70 percent success rate.
David Wartinger, a professor emeritus in the Department of Osteopathic Surgical
Specialties, led both a pilot study and an expanded study to assess whether
the stories he was hearing from patients were true.