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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

News Summaries For Wednesday, October 5, 2016


The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American

Contributed by: MsPythia


Those 'Family' nutjobs believe that only they should run the world. There's a book written by Jeff Sharlet on these nuts called 'The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power'.

I've read the book -- it's incredibly insane and frightening the mindset these people have. Hillary has been a member since the early 1990's, and it really shows.

From wikipedia:

Jeff Sharlet did intensive research in the Fellowship's archives, before they were closed to the public. He also spent a month in 2002 living in a Fellowship house near Washington, DC, and wrote a magazine article describing his experiences. In his 2008 book about the Family, he criticized their theology as an "elite fundamentalism" that fetishizes political power and wealth, consistently opposes labor movements in the U.S. and abroad, and teaches that laissez-faire economic policy is "God's will." He criticized their theology of instant forgiveness for powerful men as providing a convenient excuse for elites who commit misdeeds or crimes, allowing them to avoid accepting responsibility or accountability for their actions.

Adrienne White; Hillary Operative Defrauded NV Voters, Blocked Jill

Contributed by: claude


Hi, I'm Adrienne White.

I run Hillary Clinton's Atlanta office. I set up a fake business called "white paper solutions" in Nevada to intentionally collect fraudulent signatures for Jill Stein's campaign, which dropped the total number of signatures collected, to stop Jill from reaching the ballot.

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