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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

News Summaries For Saturday, October 8, 2016


Our Choices: Perpetrator or Collaborator

Contributed by: claude


Hurricane Matthew: US Media oblivious to 877+ deaths in Haiti

Contributed by: smkngman3


Hurricane Matthew: In Haiti the death toll stands at 877 but the US media does not seem to care

Four minutes before 10am on Friday morning, Reuters provided an update on the death toll in Haiti. At a minimum, the news agency said, 572 people had lost their lives as a result of Hurricane Matthew.

At almost precisely the same time, CNN was broadcasting live footage of the storm as it passed northwest along the coast of Florida, from where more than two million people had fled. The winds were strong, the waves powerful and there was genuine concern about the potentially deadly impact of the storm surge.

But at that moment, the number of US fatalities as a result of the category four storm was zero. The Haitian death toll barely made a mention in the network's rolling coverage.

Metaphore for Present Day America; The Eagle Mowed Down

Contributed by: claude


Colin Powell on Hillary; unbridaled ambition, greedy...

Contributed by: smkngman3


"Corporate 'Biopiracy' in Peru Threatens Indigenous Knowledge"

Contributed by: smkngman3


The production and consumption of natural Andean and Amazonian ancestral products in Peru is threatened by the "biopiracy" of foreign companies who have filed over 11,690 patents for the domestic produce of the region, effectively poaching the natural heritage of the country. The resources are said to be rich in nutrients and vitamins and range from those with anti-aging properties to those that act as natural aphrodisiacs.

Small farmers could be among those worst affected if foreign companies obtain the patents. "Campesinos have been guardians of seeds and diversity generation after generation, from our ancestors to our fathers we have inherited the seeds," said Director of the National Association of Ecological Products of Peru Moises Quispe.

"We campesinos are very conscious about it. These seeds are part of our lives, and if there's a new owner who patents them for their own economic interests, it's a very worrying situation."

Free The Heroes, Lock Up The Criminals!

Contributed by: smkngman3


I don't like ass-kissers!

Contributed by: smkngman3


Rich Lives Matter

Contributed by: smkngman3


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