Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Lee Camp Interviews Bob Fitrakis on how the Democratic Primary was stolen. Lee then goes on to discuss Obama's legacy of assassinations and murder and perpetual war without any accountability.
Jill Stein,
presidential candidate and
protector of pussies!
Jeb "Please Applaud" Bush grabs at Trumps crotch, Trump objects!
Slamming Hillary is NOT an endorsement for Trump.
We can take out two bags of trash at once.
Justin Smith, 3rd Party Voter, reports on the focus group he was a part of at this year's first presidential debate.
He was one of 19 people CNN had as a focus group. After the debate, 5 chose Clinton, 2 chose Trump, and 12 people chose THIRD PARTY.
CNN reported it as 12 "undecideds," the damned liars!
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