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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

News Summaries For Monday, October 10, 2016


"Devastating Hurricane Renews Debate on Clinton Legacy in Haiti"

Contributed by: smkngman3


International aid has begun to pour into Haiti, where Hurricane Matthew has left nearly 900 dead and sparked a new cholera outbreak, raising anew troubling questions about Bill and Hillary Clinton's involvement in the snakebit island nation.

Did the Clinton's foreign policy, lobbying, and philanthropy following the ruinous 2010 Haiti earthquake do more harm than good?

After the worst storm in decades made landfall in Haiti last week, Bill Clinton wrote on Twitter October 4th: "Praying for everyone impacted by #HurricaneMatthew. Here's how you can help in Haiti," linking to an article on Medium detailing how the "Clinton Foundation community" is responding to the disaster.

"Is this a joke, you looted Haiti once already," responded one Twitter user. "Clintons still scamming off poor Haiti after a natural disaster," wrote another. [Editors Note: There is an hour-plus long video everyone should watch about this but I can't seem to find the link ATM. So, I give you this other video that summarizes without the details of names and amounts of people enriched from The Haitian earthquake disaster through actions of the Clinton Foundation.

"Hillary should stop attacking Bernie, especially when [it's]

Contributed by: smkngman3


Wikileaks document, says, in part:
Date: 2016-03-13 09:43
Subject: Bernie, Elizabeth and de Blasio

Sometime soon I am going to suggest that Bernie, Elizabeth Warren and Bill de Blasio create the equivalent of a People's PAC to raise huge amounts of money from small donors---after the convention---to support electing liberals at all levels....including but far beyond Hillary assuming she is nominated.....

Beyond this Hillary should stop attacking Bernie, especially when she says things that are untrue, which candidly she often does. I am one of the people with credibility to suggest Bernie people support her in November, and she and Benenson and others have no idea of the damage she does to herself with these attacks, which she does not gain by making.

Instead the smart move would be to look for issues where she can dovetail with Bernie. One I am definitely going to suggest would be to take his proposal for a free public college education paid for by a transaction tax on Wall Street speculation and add one new dimension....that to receive this benefit young people should devote one year to some form of community or public service.... There is no reason Hillary cannot not support this....

Right now I am petrified that Hillary is almost totally dependent on Republicans nominating Trump....she has huge endemic political weaknesses that she would be wise to rectify.....even a clown like Ted Cruz would be an even money bet to beat and this scares the hell of out me.....

Sent from my iPad

Hillary Supporters Learning About WikiLeaks

Contributed by: claude


Can't Watch A Fucking Music Video Without Hillar's Stupid Ad

Contributed by: SpiffyTheValiant


In the comment section, at around 1257 comments in, SpiffyTheValiant wrote:

I know, I know adblocker. But just so everyone knows.

You can't watch a fucking music video without Hillary's stupid ad playing beforehand, about Trump calling women ugly and all these pictures of sad little girls looking at themselves. You can't even do the 5 second skip add. you have to watch it, if you want to se the music.

Hillary, this shit doesn't help you. No one is going to be more inclined to vote for you, when you are cockblocking their music. God, you have to be the dumbest politician that i have ever seen.

[EDITOR: And she's correct.]

You Can Tell Exactly How Much Of A Bitch Hillary Is Going To Be By

Contributed by: SpiffyTheValiant


So I don't know how many other Harry Potter Fans we have here. But I'm a Slytherin, which is why I notice shit like this.

As soon as I saw that Hillary wasn't wearing pearls in that debate, I knew what her strategy was going to be. She was going to go for soft/feminine and not be aggressive. She figured Trump's 2005 remarks would sink him. You can tell exactly how much of a bitch Hillary is going to be by how much/what kind of jewelry she wears. The bigger the pearls, the bigger the bitch she will be.


Any questions class?

Yes, I stole the throne...

Contributed by: Art Richards


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