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News Summaries For Thursday, October 13, 2016


Weedtown, USA: Home to America's First City-Owned Pot Shop

Contributed by: smkngman3


On a warm late-summer afternoon, Don Stevens steps out of the Cannabis Corner in North Bonneville, in southernmost Washington state. With a scruffy beard, wire-frame glasses, and receding gray hair that curls down to his collar, he looks like a hippie high school teacher, the kind who'd frequent a marijuana shop. It helps that he's wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with heavenly buds, a local cannabis producer.

But Stevens is more than a pot aficionado; he's also the city's highest elected official. Just check out his license plate: mjmayor.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: So-called Recreational Marijuana is on the ballot in CA this fall and it will likely pass. Also note that voting by mail has already started in parts of California...]

Podesta's Twitter, new email hacked by 4chan users

Contributed by: claude


It's certainly not John Podesta's week. Both the Twitter and email account of Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman have been hacked just hours after WikiLeaks released a fifth batch of his emails. TrendsUS Elections 2016

Both accounts were apparently infiltrated by 4Chan users on Wednesday, with Podesta alerted to the Twitter hack when his account tweeted, "I've switched teams. Vote Trump 2016. Hi pol." The tweet has since been deleted.

"Hi pol" is a 4chan reference to the website's Politically Incorrect threa

Investors Tell Auto Industry to Move to Low Carbon - or Else!

Contributed by: RTIII


Major investors have warned the automotive industry it needs to accelerate its readiness for a low-carbon world if it is to retain their support and prosper.

Vehicle makers must put climate change specialists on their boards, engage better with policy-makers, and invest more heavily in low-emission cars, says a network of 250 global investors with assets of more than $24trillion.

The demands come in a new report, Investor Expectations of Automotive Companies, published this week by the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC).

"Long-term investors want to ensure that automotive companies are prepared for the challenges stemming from climate change, new technologies, changing policies and shifts in demand caused by global trends," says Dr Hans-Christoph Hirt, co-head of investment house Hermes EOS, a member of the IGCC.

Jill Stein Would Be a Blessing for the Supreme Court; Gary Johnson

Contributed by: RTIII


Antonin Scalia's death in February has put the Supreme Court's future up for grabs in the presidential election. The next occupant of the Oval Office will have the power to reshape the nation's highest judicial body, and with it the ability to redefine the meaning and application of the Constitution, not just for the next four or eight years, but for a generation or more.

1. Gary Johnson is-and I say this with a deep breath and only after careful reflection-almost as ignorant about the work of the court and constitutional law as Trump. He would be an embarrassment to the country as well as a danger overall to progressive values were he ever to wield the judicial appointment authority of the presidency under Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution.

2. Jill Stein, by contrast, has articulated a consistently progressive stance on the court and the questions and cases that will likely come before it in the next decade. Her positions are more expansive than those embraced by Bernie Sanders. She suffers, however, from even more diminutive poll numbers than Johnson, registering a scant 2 percent to 3 percent of voter support in recent national surveys.

Hillary Clinton's Campaign tries to Divert Attention From Emails And Direct It Toward Russia

Contributed by: RTIII


Hillary Clinton's team is in crisis-management mode after WikiLeaks' release of emails involving her presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta. The campaign has made a concerted effort to deflect scrutiny of the contents of Podesta's leaked emails by accusing Russian President Vladimir Putin of "engineering" hacks to benefit Republican nominee Donald Trump. After WikiLeaks dropped its first batch of emails that came reportedly from Podesta's server, Clinton press secretary Brian Fallon fired off tweets to WikiLeaks' Twitter account, calling WikiLeaks a "propaganda arm of the Russian [government]" and accusing Julian Assange of "colluding with [the] Russian government to help Trump":

Mental Disorders Induced by Neoliberalism Are Crushing the Bodies

Contributed by: RTIII


Societies worldwide are suffering epidemics of mental illness because "human beings, the ultrasocial mammals, whose brains are wired to respond to other people, are being peeled apart," writes George Monbiot at The Guardian.

"Though our wellbeing is inextricably linked to the lives of others, everywhere we are told that we will prosper through competitive self-interest and extreme individualism." The consequence? "Plagues of anxiety, stress, depression, social phobia, eating disorders, self-harm and loneliness."

Trick Or Trick!

Contributed by: smkngman3


=?ISO-8859-7?Q?Trump Goes Off on Sexual Assault Allegations Against Him=3A These Are =A1Outright Lies=A2?=

Contributed by: RTIII


In a speech that aired immediately after First Lady Michelle Obama got done tearing Donald Trump apart for being an alleged serial sexual assaulter in her own speech, Trump labeled allegations against him "outright lies."

He passive-aggressively insulted the women who have come forward to claim that he assaulted them – "horrible people; horrible, horrible liars" - musing, "You take a look at these people, you study these people, and you'll understand as well," then redirected his attention [to] the "false smears" against him.

The Grimm Reaper and Hillary

Contributed by: Alan McLemore


Podesta's Emails Say Hillary Plans To Renig on TPP and Support It

Contributed by: smkngman3

Date: 2015-03-25 18:58
Subject: TPA/TPP

All, I want to share our draft letter on trade. As you'll recall, the idea here is to use this to lay out her thinking on TPA & TPP ahead of action on the Hill and a joint letter by all the former Secretaries of State and Defense. This draft assumes that she's ultimately going to support both TPA and TPP. It focuses on what needs to happen to produce a positive result with TPP, and casts support for TPA as one of those steps. It also says that we should walk away if the final agreement doesn't meet the test of creating more jobs than it displaces, helping the middle class, and strengthening our national security. We've tried to speak directly to the most prominent concerns expressed by Labor and Hill Dems, including Warren. Of course, if we go ahead with a meeting with HRC to lay out the pros and cons and then come to a different conclusion, this letter would change dramatically.


[EDITORIAL NOTE: No letter or email or other evidence has come out yet that suggests this wasn't the conclusion reached. Certainly, at least Hillary's staff thinks she's going to be supporting TPP.

Warning to Hillary Clinton (via emial to Podesta)

Contributed by: claude


It was not uplifting to learn in recent hours that problems with foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation continue, Hillary Clinton was still making paid speeches for hire this week, and Tony Rodham is hustling gold mining deals in Haiti.


My mama taught me long ago that when I am seriously angry I should count to ten and choose my words carefully. In that spirit here is my toned down advice which I seriously doubt the Clintons are hearing from those close to them, and if they are hearing it, they are not understanding it.

If there is one thing that could well bring down a Hillary Clinton candidacy it is this cycle of money issues about which I am now feeling red alerts, loud bells, warning signals, and red flags and I am now seriously pissed off that there is a real chance that her candidacy and the Democratic Party could be destroyed by these self-created dangers that continue to proliferate the closer she gets to presumably announcing her candidacy.

If she is not hearing this from others, please feel free to forward this to her, I will play the bad guy here because I do not want her money and because she needs to hear this from her friends and she will sure as hell be attacked for this by her enemies, and it will be megaphoned throughout the media, and foreign donations and paid speeches and hustling gold mining deals by her brother are entirely legitimate issues that are self-created, and must self-corrected before it is too late....and I do not believe the Clintons fully understand the magnitude and immediacy of the danger in the current political and media climate.....Brent

[EDITOR'S NOTE: ...Except that the media has been complicit in her crimes by covering them up for her.]

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