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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Date: 2015-02-26 17:18
Subject: endowment
Foreign govt donors: all the money is in.
Stelter asked if anything shows serious "media collusion." Greenwald said
that while there's some normal back-and-forth communications there people
might be exaggerating, there is "serious impropriety" in there. And while
on CNN, he cited as his chief example the mess that Donna Brazile and CNN
have gotten into over an apparently-leaked town hall question to Team
Greenwald also dispelled the argument on the left that there's really nothing to these emails because nothing in them is shocking and shows business as usual. He pointed out that the same could be said for Donald Trump's groping of women, but both are still newsworthy.
[Link from smkngman3]
The article was Israeli propaganda. To read it you would think that what we're talking about when we say "no fly zone" is just a minor police-action sort of thing which the US, in concert with Britain & France, could accomplish against far-punier Russian forces with equanimity.
This is insanity. There is no [legitimate] purpose to be getting into a conflict there at all. Cut support for al Nusra and the other jihadists, and Assad would re-take his country and suppress the insurgents easily. Follow up with an alliance with Russia against ISIS--problem solved, because Russia, unlike the West, has no compunction about hitting ISIS where it hurts, to-wit the oil fields and oil installations that supply them. This article twists that reality to make it appear that the fighting going on in Aleppo is some sort of unavoidable natural occurrence rather than a deliberately-instigated invasion of Syria by jihadists; and then, misconstruing the problem, the writer further misconstrues the situation by drastically underestimating and miminizing Russia's options in the event of hostilities. For one thing, the writer gives short shrift to the S-300/400s by claiming that they are easily located and destroyed by advanced Western stealth technologies--deliberately ignoring Russia's warning that it is more capable of defending against stealth assaults than the West knew.
Israel loathes Assad because of his tolerance of Hizbollah. They have been working to remove him for a long time (as if what would replace him--al Qaeda--would be a bit better for Israel). Haaretz is well known for publishing Israeli official propaganda. This article is exactly such.
[Link from smkngman3]
As a lawyer who was first licensed in 1976, I can tell you that I am horrified at the wholesale deterioration of the legal system. I never would have believed how completely corrupt everything has gotten.
My point in saying that is: Of COURSE this is illegal. So is every other sentence of what Wikileaks as released so far. So is vote-flipping and -stripping. And Bill Clinton campaigning inside the prohibited zone at electoral stations. And on and on and on. Yet the systems of law that were all developed and instituted to protect against such flagrant lawbreaking by the privileged and powerful have been completely neutered. They are doing it in public, in the open, yet every avenue of legal redress has either been gutted by funding cuts; deliberately mismanaged by corporatist trolls; or destroyed in all but shell by insane rightist judges.
I really, really am appalled, Sister. I just finished listening to Richard Wolff's monthly Economic Update (will post above shortly) and he said he's never seen the system in such an unstable, unsustainable situation. This is all part and parcel of a rapidly-approaching collapse, and (I'm about Richard's age) I'm too old for it and scared sh*tless.
Funding by Saudi Arabia.
Journalism "Holy Grail" - WikiLeaks Releases Transcripts of Clinton's Goldman Sachs Paid Speeches
More evidence the polling showing a Clinton landslide is flawed...
John Kerry is angry that the Syrian army is about to take eastern Aleppo. He's angry because the U.S. has no viable force to stop this. He's angry because Assad is still in power. He's angry that Assad has allies in Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah. He's angry that the chemical rap didn't stick on Assad. He's angry that the U.S. didn't launch a massive air attack on Syria's infrastructure and military in 2013. He's angry that no viable force of "moderate" rebels exists. He's taking his anger out on Russia....
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