Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
My project in the pages that follow is to review the media's attitude toward yet a third politician, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination earlier this year. By examining this recent history, much of it already forgotten, I hope to rescue a number of worthwhile facts about the press's attitude toward Sanders. Just as crucially, however, I intend to raise some larger questions about the politics of the media in this time of difficulty and transition (or, depending on your panic threshold, industry-wide apocalypse) for newspapers.
All 33k deleted Emails are going to be released by November 1st, probably in 4 - 5 sets, these emails are going to be the complete undoing of the Democratic Party. We are purposely holding them back so they cannot have time to replace Hillary.
Also we are not Russian, despite what CNN tells you, we already have inside info that Obama is literally going to start a war with Russia to cover up the crimes that are in the emanils, we are talking Obama and Hilary being held for Treason and ending up wiht the same Terrorist they have influenced - by this time next year.
Don't give up the fight, Julian and his staff 100% know Hilary is not going to be President, Hilary knows once the emails get released she's done, and that is why she is crying Russia and Obama is willing to start a war to hide their crimes, or at least draw attention away from their crimes.
The emails coming through the next two weeks, and there are 6 videos being released, one that documents Hillary slandering and being racist against a Felame African American, the amount of hatred seen on her face for their community will be worse than 100 Trump Tapes.
Also there is documents and videos coming this week, that will destitute any faith left in the Democratic Party, specifically with HRC's campaign. We have them committing felonies on camera, the kind that make the voter fraud that we have released, look like a JWalking ticket (bribes and threats) to control the Media and Election officials.
The information will be released we rely on everyone to help spread the truth.
We have already delivered roughly 10k of the podesta emails, this is 1/20th of the content we will be releasign and we are saving the best for last.
Wait a week and then look at the polls you guys are basing your arrogance upon, we also have information 9/10 polls that are posted from right before the debate - today have been sampled to show favor to HRC and create a false drop for Donald.
This election is closer than any of you know and Donald is actually leading Hillary in the only in-biased poll with the largest sample group.
it is painfully obvious that Clintons campaign is hurting, the only negative arguments and narratives they constantly push are the TrumpTapes, which he was prepared for and immediately appeared to hurt him, but actually has helped him since it opened up his ability to use actual rape victims.
They also are clinging to the taxes, which is 100% legal and Donald will release them soon and HRC can no longer attack him on that when he does (he is purposely holding them off to show that his last 5+ years will make all of HRC's bashing look horrible, since they show him paying much more than she does)
HRC is attempting to pay / force a woman to lie that Trump sexually assaulted her.
HRC is trying to Blackmail a member of the Apprentice staff for a Tape that does not exist, but she played right into our hands adn we have video and audio of members of her campaign staff threatening / trying to Bribe the staff Member (no tape exists, we literally played her)
HRC is done, you can claim victory all you want but the facts will show on November 8th
The UK bank servicing RT has given notice that it will close the broadcaster's accounts, without explanation. The UK government has denied any involvement in the bank's decision.
"They closed our accounts in Britain. All of them. 'Decision not to be discussed'. Long live freedom of speech!" RT's editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan said on her Twitter account.
The RT press office pointed out that NatWest is part of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group, which counts the UK government as a significant shareholder.
"This decision is incomprehensible, and without warning. It is however, not at odds with the countless measures that have been undertaken in the UK and Europe over the last few years to ostracize, shout down, or downright impede the work of RT. RT UK will continue its operations uninterrupted," RT press office stated.
"In a vindication for press freedom and land protectors fighting against the Dakota Access Pipeline, North Dakota has dismissed the "riot" charges against Democracy Now! journalist Amy Goodman, issued after she reported on pipeline company security guards physically assaulting nonviolent, mostly Indigenous land protectors in September.
"The judge's a great vindication of the First Amendment and...native people on the frontlines," Goodman told a crowd of supporters in Mandan, North Dakota on Monday, across the street from thecourthouse.
By filing the charges in the first place, she said, "the state's attorney was attempting to stop journalism."
Goodman elaborated in a statement:
This is a complete vindication of my right as a journalist to cover the attack on the protesters, and of the public's right to know what is happening with the Dakota Access pipeline. We will continue to report on this epic struggle of Native Americans and their non-Native allies taking on the fossil fuel industry and an increasingly militarized police in this time when climate change threatens the planet.
WikiLeaks alleged early Monday morning on Twitter that Julian Assange's
internet connection was "intentionally severed."
The dramatic claim - which the organization left unexplained - increased a flurry of rumors that had already sparked due to strange encrypted tweets WikiLeaks posted earlier in the day.
The tweet comes as WikiLeaks continues to release a slew of damaging information about Hillary Clinton from the hacked emails of her campaign's chairman. The Clinton campaign has called the hacking akin to a modern "Watergate," and has blamed the Russians, which WikiLeaks denies.
The Hill reported that WikiLeaks and Assange were just getting started, writing: "Between now and Election Day on November 8, WikiLeaks is expected to release more than 40,000 more emails about Clinton," perhaps in batches released almost every day. With so much at stake, concern about Assange is reaching a fever pitch on the internet.
We tortured some folks.
And the only government official who went to jail for it was the whistleblower who exposed it.
Bob Dylan is staging the greatest comeback since Craig Davidaig David remixed Justin Bieber. On top of winning some awards and playing Oldchella, he apparently still hasn't acknowledged the fact that he won a goddamn Nobel Prize.
Dylan hasn't actually contacted the Nobel Prize committee in regards to whether he'll attend the awards ceremony and dinner in December. The article says that the secretary at the Swedish Academy (the folks who hand out the Nobel Prize) told Swedish radio that the Academy has reached out to Dylan's people numerous times and they've received "polite replies" but nothing concrete.
In a quote of profound shade, secretary Sara Darius says the committee is "not worried" and that "If he doesn't want to come, he won't come. It will be a big party in any case and the honour belongs to him." The *Guardian* article also notes that Dylan hasn't even mentioned his big win at his recent shows. Here's Dylan playing "Maggie's Farm," one of the original diss tracks, as proof that the man has never given a fuck.
DPB: This buoys the spirit. I hope Dylan does what he always does- thumbs his nose to expose the absurdity in the establishment. I mean, seriously, who wants to be honored by a group that calls Kissinger and Obama "peaceful".
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