Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
"From our extensive research," Tanden indicated, "voter distrust of government has reached alarming levels. However, ironically enough, the distrust is based on a liberal critique of government, not a conservative one. It is nearly universally believed that the government works for the rich (80% of voters nationwide), big corporations (83%), and special interests (84%) over the interests of the middle class." "The public's distrust and anger at who the government is working for right now (the wealthy and special interests), and who it's not working for (us) is a searing issue," Tanden concluded. "My view is that political leaders communicate that they are part of the solution with bold actions and plans, or they will be seen as part of the problem. And being seen as part of the problem is a potentially deadly liability." According to the memo, 19 ideas were tested "amongst soft partisans." The results were the following: (Continue reading here.)
Reportedly - and no, I didn't check - this is the cover of the latest The Economist.
Someone has said the publication is led by Lynn Rothschild - and no, I
didn't check that either! - who is not only a Clinton fan but a documented
PUMA - Party Unity My Ass - who started the whole Obama Birther movement.
Someone else has re-done the cover - stumbled across this on a Twitter feed...
I rather like the second one much better! BRAVO to the artist! ... The
artist tweets under the handle "A. Bernery".
The chief complaint that critics make about the Clinton Foundation is that the former and perhaps future presidents engaged in a "pay-to-play" scheme, whereby donors-many of them foreign governments-would contribute money to the charity in exchange for access to Bill or Hillary Clinton, or worse, beneficial treatment from the State Department.
On Thursday, hacked emails from WikiLeaks suggest that is precisely what happened when the king of Morocco agreed to host a Clinton Global Initiative summit and give $12 million, but only if Hillary Clinton attended the May 2015 meeting.
Brilliant pivot on the deep corruption exposed by the Podesta Leaks.
With its credibility rapidly eroding, it is both amusing & maddening to
see the MSM promote the idea you can't believe most stuff you see on the
INTERNET, in a desperate attempt to retain relevance & market share...
Especially when the fact of the matter is the overwhelming majority of the "stuff" broadcast on MSM is purposesly divisive, repetitive propaganda promoting the agenda of the 1 Tyrant Class pretending to be 2 major political parties.
From a WikiLeaks Podesta email entry from 2008, we find exactly how Podesta gets the poll numbers he wants. Here's the WikiLeaks entry.
And, here's an article about Hillary, about Hillary, with Podesta as her campaign chairman, using that same tactic now, today as we approach the actual election.
Here's an excerpt:
Now, for all of you out there who still aren't convinced that the polls are "adjusted", we present to you the following Podesta email, leaked earlier today, that conveniently spells out, in detail, exactly how to "manufacture" the desired data. The email starts out with a request for recommendations on "oversamples for polling" in order to "maximize what we get out of our media polling."
The emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign chair John Podesta released by WikiLeaks Friday revealed that U.S. President Barack Obama and former President Bill Clinton sought to influence Greece to accept the harsh austerity terms imposed by the European Union in 2015, the Russian news agency RT reports.
Back in 2015 Podesta emailed to Bill Clinton's office asking him to pressure Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras into accepting the European Union's debt deal.
"I'm on a train and hard to talk by phone. White House asked me whether WJC (William Jefferson "Bill Clinton) had enough of a relationship with PM Tsipras to call him and counsel him to make a deal. Can you ask him whether that's in the realm of possibility," one email says.
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