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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

News Summaries For Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Haunted by Gaddafi

Contributed by: smkngman3


So the power of myth and its ability to mystify is limited, especially when it is repeatedly shown that the dominant elites routinely produce falsehoods, treat the mainstream media as their personal propaganda outlets, and use appeals to emotion and identity to propagate their lies to people (herds) perceived as being mindless bags of emotion and reflex responses. The work of activists and human rights NGOs has similarly been debunked, revealed as a lurid scurrying for visibility and thus cash, so much so that "humanitarian" NGOs are now the stock of numerous parody videos.

The value of what Libya taught us is to expose the network of interests, institutions, and agents that collaborated in destroying that nation: transnational corporations, mercenary firms, weapons manufacturers, bankers, NGOs, left-wing activists, human rights advocates, neoconservative think tanks, corporate-owned mass media, publicly-subsidized mass media, parliamentarians, "public intellectuals," states and state-affiliated agencies (most notably the US State Department under Hillary Clinton), NATO, AFRICOM, the UN Security Council, and the UN Human Rights Council-to name some of the most prominent.

Politicians, NATO Officials Furious As Spain Plans To Refuel Russian Battle Group

Contributed by: Alan McLemore


Spain is facing international criticism as it reportedly prepares to refuel a flotilla of Russian warships en route to bolstering the bombing campaign against the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo. El Pa's reported that the Spanish ministry of foreign affairs was reviewing the permit issued to the Russian flotilla to stop at Ceuta. Politicians and military figures condemned the support from a NATO member as 'scandalous,' and 'wholly inappropriate,' while the head of the alliance indicated Madrid should rethink the pit stop.

Duterte kicking out "foreign" (read: American) troops?

Contributed by: Alan McLemore


"The presence of U.S. troops in five Philippine military camps was established under a security deal signed under Duterte's predecessor as a counterbalance to China's growing military assertiveness in the region.

"Earlier Wednesday, Duterte said that he wants his country to be free of foreign troops, possibly within two years. 'I want them out,' he said. 'I want to be friends to China,' he told an audience of businesspeople in Tokyo. 'I do not need the arms. I do not want missiles established in my country. I do not need to have the airports to host the bombers.'"

"We need to clean this up - he has emails from her - they do not say"

Contributed by: cathyx


...the "transparency" of the Obama administration was severely tarnished in late September, when in the FBI's interview notes with Huma Abedin released by the FBI it was first revealed that Obama had used a pseudonymous email account: "Once informed that the sender's name is believed to be pseudonym used by the president, Abedin exclaimed: 'How is this not classified?'" the report says. "Abedin then expressed her amazement at the president's use of a pseudonym and asked if she could have a copy of the email."

To be sure, this was not definitive evidence that Obama was aware of Hillary's email server, nor that there may have been collusion between the president and the Clinton campaign.

That changed today, however, when in the latest Podesta dump we learn that in an email from Cheryl Mills to John Podesta, the Clinton aide upon learning what Obama had just said..

... countered with something quite stunning:

"we need to clean this up - he has emails from her - they do not say"

That, ladies and gentlemen, is proof that the president not only lied, but did so with the clear intention of protecting the Clinton campaign. So just how did Mills and Podesta "clean up" the fact that Obama lied to the American people, a tactic some could allege is evidence of an attempt to cover up a presidential lie to protect Hillary Clinton.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: They cleaned it up with "BleachBit" - and no, not kidding!]


Contributed by: smkngman3


Hillary Clinton's press secretary tweeted a photo of her reacting to the Chicago Cubs, as they beat the Los Angeles Dodgers to make it to the World Series for the first time in 71 years. It included the "Fly the W" hashtag popular among Cubs fans and used when celebrating victories. However, behind the scenes, the Clinton campaign was worried for weeks the Cubs might still be cursed and tying the campaign to the team could be bad luck.

"The campaign thought sharing a selfie of her watching a postseason game or a video of staff chanting, 'Go Cubs Go! Go Cubs Go! Hey, Chicago, whaddya say? Cubs are gonna win today,' would be a good idea," Clinton's press secretary Nicholas Merrill said. "Hillary told us to first poll test this idea to make sure it would not negatively affect us in any swing states."

Another Catnip... prunella vulgaris

Contributed by: Alan McLemore


I just got through giving my cats a new herb I found that works on those damn cold sores. It's "prunella vulgaris", and I found out by accident that the cats act like it's catnip--rolling around on it, playing with it, the usual. There's nothing on the web about cats liking it, but they sure do and I'm thinking about marketing it as "Cat Crazy"!

Funny synchronicity [:-{D>

Building the Alternative to the Duopoly

Contributed by: s k


Even though in this election the corporate duopoly put forward the two most unpopular presidential candidates in American history, they were able to control the campaign narrative and, for the most part, keep independent parties out of the conversation. The two big-business parties have put in place multiple methods of control. This includes the difficult ballot-access process, which requires independent parties to spend millions of dollars just to be on the ballot.

Strategic voting to build an alternative can change that. If Jill Stein gets 5 percent in every state and the Greens get their normal vote for certain offices (e.g., governor of West Virginia), Greens would then be on the ballot in 33 states. This would mean a major savings in both money and volunteer time for gathering signatures on ballot-access petitions.

Winning 5 percent is within reach for Stein-Baraka. In fact, the Investors Business Daily presidential poll has them at 5 percent. Both the NBC and Politico's Morning Consult polls found Stein at 4 percent. And because of the way polls are conducted, generally weighted to expect fewer young and first-time voters, they could be underestimating Stein's support. Scott Keeter, a senior survey adviser at Pew Research, told The Atlantic that polling methods "may be losing some of their accuracy because circumstances have changed." Strategically investing a vote for Stein-Baraka could pay multiple dividends for progressives.

Because the Green Party does not take money from PACs or business interests, money is always in short supply. Jill Stein was able to meet the requirements of raising sufficient contributions to get federal matching funds during the primary phase of the campaign (raising $5,000 in 20 states, counting only the first $250 of each donation). If Stein-Baraka achieves 5 percent in the general election, then in 2020 her campaign will be able to pay off any debt from this campaign and get federal matching funds in that general election, which could mean millions of dollars.

Hillary Is Actually A Republican, As We See Here

Contributed by: Alan McLemore


...while down-Party Democrats are starved for funds, because the Clinton machine has sucked it all up.

The reason being, of course, because Clinton is a Republican, and doesn't care if they win instead of Democrats because she plans to work with them... And, there's this...

STOP TPP Call-In Action...

Contributed by: smkngman3


Thankfully, these dates are still ahead of us!

#StopTPP Call-In Action
November 15 - 17, 2016


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