Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Right-wing idiots who aren't satisfied with genuine materials to go after Democrats with apparently are more satisfied with their old, traditional ways of going after Democrats; making shit up!
We have found several examples, but this is my favorite so far. In the following image is a supposed screen shot of a supposed Podesta email, however, it cannot be sourced to WikiLeaks. Further, there was no Collective Soul concert in that time period, no connection between the genuine Smartmatic corp and any Macklerr, much less a Todd Macklerr, can be found, the company name doesn't include Macklerr as purported and there is no New Fort Pumper, VA.
Interestingly, This web site was found with more fake stuff on it, some of which was identified as such by some of the posters.
The FBI has spent the past year investigating the Clinton Foundation over claims they were trading access for donations to the charity, leading to friction between the bureau and the Justice Department.
Agents in New York and Little Rock have been leading the probe, but have been ordered by senior officials in Washington and the Justice Department to scale back the extent of the probe due to a lack of evidence.
The Clinton crime syndicate is desperate to create any kind of Trump-Russia connection.
To say it's been a bad week for Hillary Clinton and her crime syndicate is an understatement.
The FBI is back on her corrupt tail, which makes this recent FBI announcement all the more sweet.
Coming from the Hillary Clinton "influenced" NYT makes this news even more
For much of the summer, the F.B.I. pursued a widening investigation into a Russian role in the American presidential campaign. Agents scrutinized advisers close to Donald J. Trump, looked for financial connections with Russian financial figures, searched for those involved in hacking the computers of Democrats, and even chased a lead - which they ultimately came to doubt - about a possible secret channel of email communication from the Trump Organization to a Russian bank.
Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations so far have found any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government. And even the hacking into Democratic emails, F.B.I. and intelligence officials now believe, was aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Mr. Trump.
For Russia, it's just proof of what they already have been frustratingly telling the entire world.
For Donald Trump it's icing on the cake.
Richard M. Nixon erased 18 minutes worth of audio tape recordings and was forced to resign as president, in disgrace.
Hillary Clinton erases (deletes) 30,000+ emails and is running for President.
Something's terribly wrong.
In light of the Podesta email revelations, as well as the daily farce that is CNN "objective reporting", it will hardly surprise anyone, that the American public thinks the media wants Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to win by an almost 10-to-1 margin, according to a new poll.
According to a Suffolk University/USA Today poll, which asked "who do you think the media, including major newspapers and TV stations, would like to see elected president: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?" the answer was clear: of the 1,000 adults surveyed, 75.9 percent answered Clinton, while just 7.9 percent picked Trump. Just more than 16 percent of respondents chose either "neither" or "undecided."
Looks like the matrix is starting to crack, people!
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