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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

News Summaries For 20161102


New leak may show if you were hacked by the NSA

Contributed by: smkngman3


Shadow Brokers identifies hundreds of organizations it claims were hacked by NSA.

Shadow Brokers-the name used by a person or group that created seismic waves in August when it published some of the National Security Agency's most elite hacking tools-is back with a new leak that the group says reveals hundreds of organizations targeted by the NSA over more than a decade.


Contributed by: dragoon1
, The_Fixer


The source link is to a story whose title is the subject of this News Summary entry. And, on the same subject:


A lot of crap has been circulating about the Trump server that was communicating with a Russian bank's server. There's suspicion that it is somehow a secret "back-channel" that would allow Trump to communicate with this bank that supposedly has ties to Putin. However, this article has some salient observations, good information and a much more likely reason for this server's existence and its activities.

Hillary Camp In 'Full Panic Mode' As Early Black Voter Turnout Plunges In Key Swing States

Contributed by: Alan McLemore


Hillary Camp In 'Full Panic Mode' As Early Black Voter Turnout Plunges In Key Swing States ...Well, early voting data out of some key swing states seems to reveal that, in fact, black voter turnout is reverting back to pre-Obama levels, which is a terrible sign for team Hillary. According to Old North State Politics, early voting data out of North Carolina suggests that black voter turnout is down roughly 7 points, as a percent of the overall electorate versus 2012, implying that cumulative black votes are down around 16%.

In Sign of 'Overwhelming Support,' Water Protectors Raise Over $3 Million to Fight Dakota Access"

Contributed by: smkngman3


One crowdsourcing campaign had an initial goal of raising only $5,000, the Associated Press reported Sunday, but topped $1 million. Other fundraising streams have increased the total raised to over $3 million, and the money is going toward legal costs, food, shelter, and other necessities for the camp of hundreds of water protectors near Cannon Ball, North Dakota.

"One online legal defense fund has raised more than $655,000 for 'the legal defense of warriors protecting land, water, and human rights,'" AP notes.

Hillary Camp In 'Full Panic Mode' As Early Black Voter Turnout Plunges In Key Swing States

Contributed by: SpiffyTheValiant , Alan McLemore


Well, early voting data out of some key swing states seems to reveal that, in fact, black voter turnout is reverting back to pre-Obama levels, which is a terrible sign for team Hillary. According to Old North State Politics, early voting data out of North Carolina suggests that black voter turnout is down roughly 7 points, as a percent of the overall electorate versus 2012, implying that cumulative black votes are down around 16%.

It's not a "Conspiracy Theory" when you have proof.

Contributed by: smkngman3


Once Upon A Time Not Very Long Ago...

Contributed by: smkngman3


Once Upon a Time Not Very Long Ago...

Stop Your Bitching...
They're the Job Creators!

Don't you understand how Feudalism Works?!

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