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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

News Summaries For 20161103


It's a "NON-PROFIT", People (!!) NOT A CHARITY!

Contributed by: RTIII


I sure wish people would get this right; While It Is TRUE that the Clintons DO call it a Charitable Organization, The Clinton Foundation IS NOT A FUCKING CHARITY!

It's organzed as a 501(c)(3), which means it has the same basic legal status as a typical Car Club! Sure, it's a "non-profit," But Donations To It Are NOT Deductible On Taxes, Because It's NOT A FUCKING CHARITY!



Contributed by: smkngman3


Those voting for Hillary Clinton, defending Clinton and supporting Clinton without reading the information reported by WikiLeaks are intellectually no different than those who criticize climate science without ever having read the science. In short, if you defend Clinton and ignore WikiLeaks, you have something in common with Sarah Palin. Let that sink in for a moment. Finished processing that? Now process this - if the journalists responsible for reporting on Watergate were labeled "Russian sympathizers," charged by the media as "attempting to influence an election," and banned from travel or communication access, how would history judge the event? This is exactly what has happened to Julian Assange, who has done more for journalism than any of these corporate-owned, brand-named media products have done this election cycle. Either you support access to information or you have a problem with an informed public. Which side are you on?

FBI deputy director whose wife took Clinton friend's cash is asked why he is still involved in email probe as Congress turn heat up on Clinton

Contributed by: smkngman3


A month before Common Good VA made its first donation Hillary Clinton headlined a fundraiser for the group with McAuliffe, a longtime friend, aide and Clinton Foundation board member.

The FBI seized Clinton's server soon after, beginning it's yearlong investigation into her emails that concluded this past July only to restart last week amid the discovery of new messages on a top Clinton staffers's estranged husband's computer.

Chaffetz sent McCabe a letter last Thursday demanding documentation of the ethical guidance that the FBI agent sought and received from the bureau before his wife announced her candidacy.

He also asked McCabe to state for the record when he found out about the FBI's investigation into Clinton.


Contributed by: s k



When the rigged debate started, audience members called for Dr. Flowers to join Van Hollen and Szeliga. Shouts of "let her speak" could be heard from the audience. Responding to the audience, Dr. Flowers took her place on the stage shaking hands with both candidates. Standing on the stage, she turned her attention to the audience and said:

"I think it's important for voters to understand the differences between myself and Congressman Van Hollen and Delegate Szeliga." With the police moving on stage to remove her, she said, …"I mean, you say you're a public university and you want to educate the public, but without having a full public discussion, that doesn't actually happen."



Contributed by: dragoon1


[AKA, the biggest thing happening in the country that could effect (affect?) the election that the media is not covering]

In one word: sadness

Yesterday afternoon was a cluster-fuck of cluster-fuckish proportions. The strike was to only effect (affect?) the buses, subway and el. But the strikers decided to prevent the regional rail from operating. Chaos ensued. People's commute to the burbs their commute time skyrocketed (3 hours for a normal 45 min trip, ex). Understandably a lot of people were very upset. And, quite possibly, the inconvenienced people were really negatively impacted. they were rightfully angry.

And I knew the people I associate with would be perturbed. But it was much worse than I ever would have guessed. I have never heard so much anti-union talk. The desire to end unions, to have the govt intervene was a common thing i heard. ugh. i try to remind people (mind you, i am terribly inconvenienced as well, having to walk hours a day to get to work) that unions/collective bargaining brought them such wonderful things: the weekend, over time pay, the 40 hour work week, etc. (before any labor experts chime in, i am not a labor expert, so maybe i am not 100% accurate with all of that... but still, unions were the people's great friend in the battle for economic parity with the american aristocrats... i digress).

The response: 'i know, awesome, end unions though. Now. Fuck unions.'

So it was sad. Instead of people seeing this through the lens of the left, the vast majority of people have truly adopted the POV that the ruling class has worked so long to achieve: the full acceptance that people need to fight for the scraps from the master's table. a social understanding that sees the social order of the rich ruling everything as natural as trees and small frogs.


oh, and jill stein is coming to philly on saturday...

Assange: WikiLeaks did not receive Clinton emails from Russian govt (JOHN PILGER EXCLUSIVE)

Contributed by: RTIII


"The Clinton camp has been able to project a neo-McCarthyist hysteria that Russia is responsible for everything. Hillary Clinton has stated multiple times, falsely, that 17 US intelligence agencies had assessed that Russia was the source of our publications. That's false - we can say that the Russian government is not the source," Assange told the veteran Australian broadcaster as part of a 25-minute John Pilger Special, courtesy of Dartmouth Films.

Dakota Access Pipeline "Water Protecter" Protesters Held In Dog Cages

Contributed by: ARIC


Watch this You-Tube video.

How Elections Are Stolen by Bev Harris, author of Black Box Voting

Contributed by: s k


Watch this you-tube video.


Contributed by: smkngman3


Once called the world's greatest purveyor of violence by Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., the US government has made a habit of issuing vapid self-serving and hypocritical statements about humanitarian crises all over the world.

In some cases, a flack standing behind a government podium will give a boilerplate condemnation of the violence and horrors, while in many cases a simple press release will do.

So it was the normal routine on Tuesday, when UN Ambassador Samantha Power issued another typical empty condemnation of the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, where thousands have been killed and thousands more are starving to death. But the bullshit did not stand long.

Activists immediately pointed out it was the government for which Power was speaking that was leading the slaughter, providing the very weapons the Saudis were using to bomb civilians and damage the food supply

Six Of Hillary's Most Obvious Lies

Contributed by: smkngman3


1) I was named after Sir Edmund Hillary.

2) We were dead broke after leaving the white house.

3) We came under sniper fire.

4) My e-mail server was set up in accordance with the rules.

5) Benghazi was caused by a video.

6) There is no case here!


Contributed by: s k


Hillary's Big Tent is Obama's Grand Bargain on Steroids

Barack Obama tried to woo Republicans into a Grand Bargain that would have gutted Social Security. Bill Clinton let loose the banks. But Donald Trump's destruction of the Republican Party will allow Hillary Clinton to gather the whole of the ruling class under the same party banner, in one Big Tent, where the grandest of bargains can be conceived and achieved without crossing an aisle." The rich are about to get their best deal yet.

Barack Obama was the second DLC president(although he lies about his membership). He, too, moved with unseemly haste to reach a "Grand Bargain" with the GOP -- not of necessity, since he had won a huge electoral mandate with the overwhelming financial backing of Wall Street, but as a matter of ideological principle.

In January of 2009, before even taking the oath of office, Obama told the editorial boards of the New York Times and the Washington Post that all entitlements, including Medicare and Social Security, would be on the table for cutting in his administration. Obama's first project, now considered the centerpiece of his legacy, was to resurrect the rightwing Heritage Foundation's corporate health insurance scheme, adopted by

Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole in 1996, and made into state law by Republican Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, in 2006. Obama's Affordable Care Act was, literally, written by lobbyists for the insurance and drug industries, and is now collapsing like a poorly constructed house at the end of its mortgage.

Hillary: Vote Early, Vote Now! ... Before Anything ELSE Comes Out!

Contributed by: smkngman3



Contributed by: smkngman3


The latest wave of John Podesta's emails to be published by WikiLeaks has thrust into the spotlight Peter Kadzik, a well-connected Washington attorney who currently serves as an assistant attorney general at the Justice Department's Office of Legislative Affairs.

"DoJ Assistant Attorney Peter Kadzik outed as a mole for Hillary Clinton campaign," WikiLeaks tweeted on Wednesday. The tweet highlighted an email Kadzik sent to Podesta on May 19, 2015, warning him of a congressional hearing and updating the team on the State Department's progress in publishing Clinton's emails in response to Freedom of Information Act requests.

CNN Trusts WikiLeaks Enough To Fire Donna Brazile, But NOT Enough To Report On The Ones About Hillary Clinton?

Contributed by: smkngman3


So, you're telling me CNN trusts the WikiLeaks emails about Donna Brazile enough to fire her...

... But doesn't trust the ones about Hillary Clinton enough to even report them?

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