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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
feeling: meh location: philly
The drama for Tuesday faded into nothingness as more and more people have become resigned to the fact that the strike is not coming to a speedy conclusion. but, interesting... ok, i find this FUCKING CRAZY FASCINATING!!! (but that's me)
Headline: Hillary Clinton to hold Election Eve rally in Philadelphia with the Obamas
So, the two to dems are going to be in... philly? democrat stronghold philly? this, at first blush had me pretty certain that the internal polls look devastating for the clinton disaster. But, then i had a revelation, a very unlikely scenario, but delicious deceit to end all devious... shit, another d-word goes here. anyway, hear me out:
The knowns: --PA is critical for the win --Philly is critical to PA --Polls are unusually tight for a dem --the union on strike, TWU, has endorsed HRC (see, the union bosses endorsed HRC) --The night before the motherfucking national election HRC and BHO are holding a massive rally in PHL
The dark thoughts from moi: --a deal to end the strike has already been agreed to (i admit, i don't know how much of this is realistic, never having sat in union/mgmt contract discussions before) --HRC will come to philly and sit with the unions and SEPTA (the mgmt) during the day to try to resolve the already privately resolved strike --the deal with miraculously be agreed to at the HRC meeting, and announced to PHL that hillary has ended the strike and people will be able to get around again
The sick fucking thoughts of HRC skulks (or so as i imagine): --the people will think that hillary ended the strike and brought relief to the city and come out in droves to vote for her, putting her way over the top in philly, thus winning PA. And all she has to do is go to a staged meeting for a deal previously agreed to --where is my coke
For all you hating on (the now obviously confused "tribute") Michael More, Jimmy Dore has an important two minute or so clip of Moore in a speech about Trump, and it's powerful and he's right.
Like you, I'm saddened by Michael's support for Hillary - one wonders how he suddenly got so stupid - but his analysis here is spot on and it's worth listening to. I'm glad Dore showed it and glad that it got posted down thread.
Dore misses one thing - he says we're screwed over since Clinton, but actually it's since Reagan. The only difference is that we expected it from Reagan, but "liberals" didn't expect it of Clinton.
Watch Dore's video.
So just this month alone, two key members of the Five Eyes alliance have been found by courts and formal investigations to be engaged in mass surveillance that was both illegal and pervasive, as well as, in the case of Canada, abusing surveillance powers to track journalists to uncover their sources. When Snowden first spoke publicly, these were exactly the abuses and crimes he insisted were being committed by the mass surveillance regime these nations had secretly erected and installed, claims which were vehemently denied by the officials in charge of those systems.
Yet with each new investigation and judicial inquiry, and as more evidence is unearthed, Snowden's core claims are increasingly vindicated. Western officials are indeed addicted to unaccountable, secretive, abusive systems of mass surveillance used against their own citizens and foreigners alike, and the more those systems take root, the more core liberties are eroded.
At least four battleground states - Florida, Iowa, Nevada and Pennsylvania - not only allow private citizens to challenge the eligibility of other voters inside polling locations but place the burden of proof on the person who is challenged. In Florida and Pennsylvania, a challenged voter in certain circumstances must cast a provisional ballot that may or may not be counted.
Voting experts said they do not expect such challenges to be widespread. They also said anything is possible on Tuesday following Trump's unprecedented and unsubstantiated warnings of a "rigged" election.
Two former Christie administration insiders charged in a bizarre scheme of political retaliation against a mayor who refused to endorse the governor for re-election were found guilty Friday on all counts in the long-running Bridgegate saga.
In a seven-week trial that saw their own words used against them, Bill Baroni and Bridget Anne Kelly were convicted of helping orchestrate massive traffic tie-ups at the George Washington Bridge in September 2013. The plot was hatched to send a pointed message to Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich, after he stepped back from his earlier public support of Gov. Chris Christie.
The jury began reading its findings just before 11:30 a.m. and delivered the guilty decisions in rapid fire.
If you look at this twitter page you'll see reference to DKIM-Verification for WikiLeaks emails.
These verifications prove certain facts about the emails WikiLeaks is providing.
You might well believe this means that the emails are entirely genuine and that would be a mistake...
The DKIM feature ONLY can guarantee that an email was sent from a particular organization, and a few other minor facts about the email. Only the contents of the email header are ever so signed. All of the fields in the email header are optional except "From:". This means you can know that an email came FROM someone... The rest depends on the sending organization, such as the recipient list, date, and so forth.
Neither WikiLeaks nor google can really validate the authenticity of the original source material contained WITHIN an email - what in technical terms is called the Message Envelope. The CONTENTS of the email cannot be verified by any currently in use technology EXCEPT full encryption - at least, not of which I am aware. It actually would be VERY easy to add by using something called a "Message Digest" (examples, MD5, SHA1SUM, among many others), and putting the result into the mail header and let that mail header entry be in the list that DKIM validates, but nobody's doing that today - which is a real shame! THEN the "proof" argument would be air-tight!
More, easy to read, information is available here.
Earlier today, after a two week silence, Guccifer 2.0 reemerged, with a post on his blog, in which he alleges that he has information from inside the Federal Election Commission, according to which "democrats may rig the elections." He then adds "this may be possible because of the software installed in the FEC networks by the large IT companies."
The brutal repression of indigenous and allied protesters at Standing Rock has shocked the conscience of fair-minded Americans, particularly those advocating economic and ecological reform. Although the protesters had in some cases been encroaching on "company land," they had done so peacefully, and their chief modes of political action have been prayer and nonviolent civil disobedience. The crackdowns of the last few weeks have seen attack dogs and rubber bullets causing bloody injuries to protesters, detention and malicious prosecutions, and other dehumanizing behavior from the cops and soldiers deployed there by North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple.
For those of us in the public banking movement, used to holding up the Bank of North Dakota (the nation's only public bank) as an example of how promising public banks are, the recent news that Dalrymple and an emergency spending panel voted to add $4 million in additional credit onto a $10 million line from BND, to fund law enforcement expenses at Standing Rock, is troubling. It means BND is using its heralded public power over fractional reserve banking to pay for those rubber bullets and a host of logistical expenses involved in arresting and evicting protesters the federal government has refused to evict, citing free speech concerns.
Watch Jimmy Dore's indignation at idiots.
The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing the State Department, even though she had promised to let the agency review new or significantly increased support from foreign governments.
Qatari officials pledged the money in 2011 to mark the 65th birthday of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton's husband, and sought to meet the former U.S. president in person the following year to present him the check, according to an email from a foundation official to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta. The email, among thousands hacked from Podesta's account, was published last month by WikiLeaks.
Clinton signed an ethics agreement governing her family's globe-straddling foundation in order to become secretary of state in 2009. The agreement was designed to increase transparency to avoid appearances that U.S. foreign policy could be swayed by wealthy donors.
If a new foreign government wished to donate or if an existing foreign-government donor, such as Qatar, wanted to "increase materially" its support of ongoing programs, Clinton promised that the State Department's ethics official would be notified and given a chance to raise any concerns.
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