Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
I don't always brace myself for a presidential election as if the zombie apocalypse,
but when I do, I chat on a new page.
Stay safe my friends.
Published on Nov 5, 2016
Whistleblower Julian Assange has given one of his most incendiary interviews ever in a John Pilger Special, courtesy of Dartmouth Films, in which he summarizes what can be gleaned from the tens of thousands of Clinton emails released by WikiLeaks this year.
'I'm here all by myself ... No guitar, no piano, no nothing!' Trump says Hillary needs Beyonc' to pack 'em in as he draws 11,000 in Pennsylvania (and her celeb-boosted audience is SMALLER)
We've made four moves in the map since our last update and all of them are in Donald Trump's direction. Ohio, Utah, and Maine's 2nd congressional district are all moving from the battleground/toss-up category to lean Republican. And New Hampshire is moving from lean Democratic to a pure battleground/toss-up state.
Clinton's electoral vote total is at 268 when you add up all the states that are solidly or leaning in her direction and Donald Trump's is 204 when you combine all the states that are solidly or leaning in his direction. That leaves six remaining battleground contests worth a total of 66 electoral votes in Arizona, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and the second congressional district in and around Omaha, Nebraska.
It's important to note what this map reflects and what it does not reflect: while Trump has made gains, Clinton remains in a much stronger electoral position than the GOP nominee. In the current snapshot, Clinton would only need to win one of the remaining toss-up states to secure the presidency. Trump needs to win all of them. However, this current map does represent an ever-so-slightly less steep mountain for him to to climb to 270 electoral votes.
The Organization of American States has sent a team of 41 observers from 18 different countries to monitor Tuesday's vote as the Republican Candidate, Donald Trump, continues raise fears of a "rigged" election.
The arrival of the OAS observers on Saturday comes a day after a federal judge in Ohio issued a temporary restraining order on Friday against the Trump campaign and adviser Roger Stone, barring them from harassing or intimidating Ohio voters during Election Day.
Clinton's Detroit detour signals Dems' worry
This state was supposed to be a lock until African-American turnout began to look weak.
I wonder why?
A people that elect corrupt politicians...
are not victims...
but accomplices.
George Orwell
A student who spoke before Bernie Sanders at a Sanders rally for Clinton dumped his script and spoke out against Clinton instead. You can watch the video of his speech above.
The student, Kaleb Vanfosson, president of the Students for Bernie Club and the Young Democratic Socialists group at Iowa State, was supposed to give a speech at the Ames, Iowa rally about Sanders and Clinton supporters uniting, the Iowa State Daily reported. Instead, he spoke about how terrible Clinton is and how she only cares about billionaires.
He was escorted off stage after his speech.
A student who spoke before Bernie Sanders at a Sanders rally for Clinton dumped his script and spoke out against Clinton instead. You can watch the video of his speech above.
The student, Kaleb Vanfosson, president of the Students for Bernie Club and the Young Democratic Socialists group at Iowa State, was supposed to give a speech at the Ames, Iowa rally about Sanders and Clinton supporters uniting, the Iowa State Daily reported. Instead, he spoke about how terrible Clinton is and how she only cares about billionaires.
He was escorted off stage after his speech.
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