Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Regarding the recent media reports that US military hackers have penetrated Russian's telecommunications networks and electric grid, as well as "the Kremlin's command systems", we expect a response from the US authorities, including the White House and the Department of State with a legal assessment of the reports.
On Sunday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said that "if no official reaction from the American administration follows, it would mean state cyberterrorism exists in the US. If the threats of the attack, which were published by the US media, are carried out, Moscow would be justified in charging Washington."
She added that "the absence of an official reaction from the US Administration will signify the existence of state cyberterrorism in the United States, and in case the threats related via the US media are executed, Moscow will have full authority to bring charges against Washington."
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also commented on the report, saying Russia had "cybersecurity measures taken at the level proper for the current situation, and the threats voiced against us by officials of other nations."
While there are conflicting reports whether the FBI may or may not indict the Clinton Foundation, which as the WSJ reported last week is being investigated by various FBI teams, even as other parts of the Bureau - and the DOJ - seek to squash the probe, the latest dump of Podesta emails has revealed a critical, confidential memo from prominent New York lawyer Kumiki Gibson to Clinton Foundation Chairman Bruce Lindsey (and former Bill Clinton attorney) which was performed as part of an inside audit of the foundation, and confirms that the charitable organization (which it found "operates more like a political operation") was engaged in practices that broke the law.
Somehow I missed this and thank Smokey for publishing the link to the FBI's investigation on Clinton. There's VERY interesting information available there, including the fact that there's email stating that Hillary had her maid print out classified materials!
Nothing short of amazing. That story is also reported by The NY Post here as reported to us by dayanmao.
DONALD TRUMP IS right - the U.S. voting system is totally rigged!
It's not rigged against him, though. It's rigged against people without much money, and people who are members of any number of minority groups.
Some of the rigging is by design, and dates all the way back to the Founding Fathers. Some of it is simply a byproduct of an economic system where the top 0.1 percent have almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent. Some falls somewhere in between.
Add it all up, and it constitutes a gigantic obstacle to regular people using their purported power to run our purported democracy.
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