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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

News Summaries For 20161108


ELECTION DAY, 2016 \- 2018, and Second Month Anniversary for The Troy Press!

Contributed by: Art


Our own Art Richards talks about the two months that The Troy Press has been around and how he intends to secure his own vote.

Surprise! Cenk Uygur is Voting For Hillary!

Contributed by: JonathanK X


Here's a recent vid from Let The Madness Begin. These guys are as consistently progressive as anybody and deserve more attention.

This Election Marks the Beginning of Volatility

Contributed by: Alan McLemore


There are a bunch of ways that this election can go wrong:

* Gary Johnson wins New Mexico, neither Clinton nor Trump can get to 270 electoral votes, and the election is thrust into the House of Representatives
* Evan McMullin wins Utah, neither Clinton nor Trump can get to 270 electoral votes, and the election is thrust into the House of Representatives
* Clinton wins, and Trump refuses to concede
* Trump wins, and Clinton refuses to concede
* States like North Carolina and Florida are a tossup, and the outcome of the election isn't known for weeks
* Reports of election fraud (on either side)
* Reports of foreign interference in the election

Voting Machine "Irregularities" Reported in Utah, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, & North Carolina

Contributed by: Alan McLemore


Pennsylvanians told CBS News their vote for Trump was changed to Clinton...


However, other said they specifically wanted to vote for Republican Donald Trump only to see their vote switched before their eyes to Democrat Hillary Clinton.

"I went back, pressed Trump again. Three times I did this, so then I called one of the women that were working the polls over. And she said you must be doing it wrong. She did it three times and it defaulted to Hillary every time," Bobbie Lee Hawranko said.

Rampant Reports of Voting Irregularities in US Election"

Contributed by: smkngman3


More reports of voter intimidation emerged in Florida, where two clerks from precincts in Pompano Beach, South Florida, were fired because they did not adhere to "procedure and policy," according to Local 10 ABC.

Problems with voting machines have also been reported across the country.

My Hands Are Clean; I Voted GREEN!

Contributed by: smkngman3


Sweden now allowing US Homeland Security officers at Stockholm airport, permanently and with access to own weapons

Contributed by: smkngman3


In brief: Sweden is now allowing US Homeland Security to station officers at Stockholm airport on a permanent basis, and with access to their own weapons. The US "custom and security controls" in Swedish soil are supposed to stop suspected terrorists, which include "cyber-terrorists", and other individuals suspected of criminal-behaviour - who appear on lists which may also include whistle-blowers and their publicists, who may be considered to have "stolen information". The Department of Homeland Security declared in 2013 that "the unlawful disclosure of classified information by WikiLeaks in the summer of 2010 has rightfully renewed the Department's focus on risk management."

EDITOR'S NOTE: I've been to Sweeden several times and in my view this is a big deal! I wonder what they did to convince Sweeden to do this?!

MY GUESS: This is a pretext to be able to try and get Assange... Perhaps hoping he doesn't find out when he tries to go back to his family.

The Art of Spin

Contributed by: MsPythia


How Hillary Clinton backers deployed faux feminism and privilege politics to divert attention from her destructive policies.

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