Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
The 2016 presidential race should have been the fight between two outsiders, Donald Trump v. Bernie Sanders. If the heads of the DNC would have seen the signs, that were all there, they would have switched their allegiance to Senator Sanders. I believe this for a number of reasons:
I never knew this:
Brazile not only lost to this horrible Republican candidate, she also was the campaign manager for Al Gore's presidential run. other person who has been far more severely impacted is Hillary's close, right-hand aide, Huma Abedin, whose estranged husband many - including John Podesta himself - claim was the catalyst that caused Hillary's sudden drop in the polls in the week prior to the election, and may have cost Clinton the presidency. Worse, with her boss now out of politics, Huma suddenly finds herself in a dead-end career, with few accomplishments outside of the Clinton campaign to point to, a looming divorce and a potential criminal probe.
Now, according to the Daily Mail, it may have all finally hit Huma, who appears to have suffered an emotional breakdown, weeping "openly as she returns to campaign headquarters where she and her aides ran doomed bid to elect Hillary Clinton."
It appears the entire 'ObamaTrade' farce is collapsing under the weight of its secrecy and corporatocracy in the immediate aftermath of Trump's triumph. First this morning, Bloomberg reported that EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said EU-U.S. negotiations on a free-trade agreement are on hold, and now WSJ reports that the Obama administration on Friday gave up all hope of enacting its sweeping Pacific trade agreement, denting American prestige in the regions at a time when China is flexing its economic and military muscle.
Just days after Donald Trump won the election, all of Washington's major trade deals are dead or dying....
These girls are so mean! :-)
Many Hillary supporters are such hypocrites.
The 2016 presidential race should have been the fight between two outsiders, Donald Trump v. Bernie Sanders. If the heads of the DNC would have seen the signs, that were all there, they would have switched their allegiance to Senator Sanders. I believe this for a number of reasons:
I never knew this:
Brazile not only lost to this horrible Republican candidate, she also was the campaign manager for Al Gore's presidential run.
The reactions of many Americans to the Trump victory is a symptom of their political immaturity.
Murmurs of migrating to Canada if Trump won apparently translated into reality, with the Canadian immigration website reportedly crashing as it became clear the electoral college votes were in his favour.
These reactions make one pause and wonder how long these same people would last under the Arab and African dictatorships and occupiers the US has propped up and maintained positive ties with over the years.
We now have a version of a "dictator-elect" in the US, and rather than promising to fight the changes he has threatened to implement, the initial reaction of many Americans has been to plot ways to flee.
Honestly, the arrogance of Americans who are threatening to flee is breathtaking. They assume that the world will now welcome them with open arms because in a few months, they will be ruled by a less-than-desirable leader. One which, the world will be quick to mention, was actually chosen by Americans and not imposed on them by occupation or intervention.
You Want to See a Revolution?
Try Giving Our Medicare to
Wall Street and the Banks!
Dear DNC:
How Not To Get Trumped
The Next Time you have a candidate for whom excited voters will stand in 3 mile long lines, in rain and snow, don't play every dirty trick in the book to toss them all off a cliff.
Just don't.
The Next Time you have a candidate that fills stadiums like the Rolling Stones with an entire new generation of voters, don't collude with a Neo-Lib Campaign (that can't fill a high school gym) to deride and discredit them on Major Media and with hordes of paid-off Social Media trolls.
Just don't.
The Next Time you have a candidate that excites new voters so much that they send them millions of dollars from their lunch money funds, don't collude with Major Media to block their air-time and hand the Neo-Lib Candidate questions to 'prep' them for debates and town halls.
Just don't.
The Next Time you have a candidate that sends millions of new voters to your party, don't collude with State party officials to knock them off the rolls so that your Neo-Lib Candidate can "win" State primaries.
Just don't.
Never forget that you are not the pro-war, pro-fracking, pro-dictatorship, pro-Wall Street party.
That's the other guys.
P.S. ...and when you promote a 'pied piper', outlier candidate from the RNC to help you rNeo-Lib Candidate win - put on our big-boy pants and accept responsibility for your loss.
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