Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
During the Presidential campaign of 1988, the Reverend Jesse Jackson was asked, "How you are going to get the support of the white steelworker?" He replied: "By making him aware he has more in common with the black steel workers by being a worker, than with the boss by being white." Jackson also did speak of reviving a "rainbow coalition", but in spite of being associated with black radicalism by much of the country, he was able to obtain almost 50 percent of the Democratic delegates at the Atlanta convention through an explicit appeal which transcended race, instead invoking class. Jackson himself is not the likely future leader of the Democratic Party, but his model is one the Dems would be well to consider if they wish to recapture much of the country that they lost in last week's election.
Editorial Note
This rather long article is well worth the read and accurately outlines where the USA is today, following this month's presidential election.
"Dear California, Oregon, Washington - I'm sure we can work something out if you want to join Canada," tweeted Chad Harris, a reporter from Kamloops, British Columbia.
"To the west coast of the United States, if you want to you can all become Canadian Provinces, since you voted closer to the experiences we have as Canadian," Andrew Mercier, from Calgary, wrote on Facebook. "Therefore WA, OR, NV, and CA you are now provinces, also bring all the goodness that you have to us!!!" the Canadian added.
REMEMBER FOR TOMORROW! On Tuesday, November 15th, join a massive day of action in solidarity with those at Standing Rock, and demand the Federal government and the Army Corps reject this pipeline.
People who THINK they're either Liberal or Progressive today are saying (through their actions):
We didn't care when Obama killed civiliians with drones.
We didn't care when the DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie.
We don't care that Human Rights are being violated in North Dakota.
We only care that our candidate did not win!
Swedish Chief Prosecutor Ingrid Isgren has arrived at Ecuador's London embassy to question WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange, following a prolonged deadlock in an alleged rape case opened in Sweden more than six years ago.
Assange has been residing in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London since claiming political asylum back in 2012, when Sweden issued a European arrest warrant for him. An Ecuadorean prosecutor is interviewing Assange, asking questions the Swedish side had submitted previously. The interview is attended by Sweden's chief prosecutor Ingred Isgren. Swedish police inspector Cecilia Redell is also reportedly to be present. Both are allowed to ask for clarifications to Assange's responses, but not put any fresh questions forward.
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