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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

News Summaries For 20161115


Russian Aircraft Carrier, Frigate Launch "Massive Strikes" On Syrian Terrorist Targets

Contributed by: Alan McLemore


Moments ago Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu announced that the Russian military launched a large-scale operation against terrorists stationed in Homs and Idlib provinces of Syria.

"Today at 10:30 and 11:00 we launched a large-scale operation against the positions of Islamic State and Al-Nusra [terrorist groups] in the provinces of Idlib and Homs," Shoigu said at a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the top leadership of the Russian Armed Forces.

Jimmy Dore: The Neo-Liberal Bubble Has Popped!

Contributed by: Edwin


Watch Jimmy Dore's video on the Democratic failure.

Millennials Protesting in Chuck Schumer's Office Demanding He Back Bernie Sanders for Minority Leader!

Contributed by: SpiffyTheValiant


There was a group of millenials who were protesting in Chuck Scummer's office. They are demanding that he step down and support Bernie for Minority leader.

MSNBC was talking about it. They say it's unlikely that Scummer won't win the leadership bid, but t hat the Democrats might be planning to give Warren and Bernie some sort of official role.

I don't think they understand how this works. You fucking idiots proved that you are not leaders. You are followers. Scummer should do the right thing and step down. He should let someone with a spine prepare for battle, not limp in and pretend that he actually knows what the fuck he's doing.

Nancy Pelopsi is going to have a vote for House Democratic Leadership on the 30th. Supposedly this was her plan all along.


Contributed by: smkngman3


Some 7,000 people took to the streets of central Athens on Tuesday to protest Obama's visit to the Greek capital, Reuters reports. The demonstrators initially planned to walk all the way to the US Embassy located in another part of the city, but the procession was disrupted as protesters clashed with police officers. Watch the video.

How long is this site going to keep Sanders supporters banned, for the crime of being progressive?

Contributed by:


How did it work out for this site and the country to support a neoliberal, neocon in the Democratic party?

Roxanne Cooper (

No one was banned for supporting Sanders and you can see plenty of Sanders' supporters commenting on the site.

Folks were banned for violating the TOS -- including bullying other commenters.


What she means by "bullying" is that we were very articulate in stating why Bernie was the better candidate, and clear in pointing out Hillary's flaws.

Chorus of people banned who did NOT violate the ToS

Ain't that the truth?!

Chuck Schumer: The Worst Possible Democratic Leader at the Worst Possible Time

Contributed by: smkngman3


Schumer's done more than anyone except Bill and Hillary Clinton to intertwine Wall Street and the Democratic Party. He raises millions and millions of dollars from the finance industry, both for himself and for other Democrats. In return, he voted to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999 and voted to bail out Wall Street in 2008. In between, he slashed fees paid by banks to the Securities and Exchange Commission to pay for regulatory enforcement, and eviscerated congressional efforts to crack down on rating agencies.

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