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News Summaries For 20161122


I never understood the term "reverse racism"

Contributed by: dragoon1


To me, if you are judging people based on their race, that is racism. I live in philly and there have been numerous times when I have been in the racial minority, as a white dude, and if someone discriminated against me b/c I am white, that is racism. I have had things said to me solely b/c I am a white guy.

Of course, institutionally, racism has been to the overwhelming benefit of white people, but on an individual level, I don't see any difference -- if you adopt racist beliefs and act out on them, you are a racist. if I get beat up b/c I'm a 'cracker', that is racism. and, yes, white men have been in power for a long time. but a small percentage of white men. how many white people have died in coal mines? as fishermen? as linemen? in war? have lived in poverty? I submit that the vast majority of white people have been oppressed by the system more than they have been the oppressors. and for the vast majority of white people that have struggled their entire lives, the fact that they share skin color with members of the ruling class is about as meaningful as the fact that they both have noses.

The main issue is that the use of race distracts from the real dividing line in society, economic stratification. the ruling class has known for quite some time that the best way to stop any real social change is to get those under them to see each other as the problem, when the problem is the system the ruling class has set up to retain power. if/when the poor, the working class, the middle class and even the upper middle class realize that they been played, and realize that their differences are not based on race, gender or religion, they can actual organize to challenge the system to what is that famous quote... 'I can hire half of the poor to kill the other half'? or something like that. still true. we are being played.

Podesta group launching investigation of Trump

Contributed by: smkngman3


The Center for American Progress Action Fund is launching a Trump Investigative Fund to hold Trump accountable to every promise, relentlessly track and expose his conflicts of interest, and expose the records and values of the people he is selecting to run the country," ThinkProgress' Editor in Chief Judd Legum wrote. "We'll expand our high-quality investigative team and utilize our vast network of progressive allies to deliver our message.

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