Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
"This country is repressing our people," says Michael A. Wood Jr., a Marine Corps veteran who recently retired from the Baltimore police force to work toward reforming law enforcement. "If we're going to be heroes, if we're really going to be those veterans that this country praises, well, then we need to do the things that we actually said we're going to do when we took the oath to defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic," he asserted about his plans to go to Standing Rock.
Rather than working to abolish some of the thousands of illogical, irrational laws in the United States criminalizing ordinary, mundane behavior, one legislator dreamed up yet another means to give us a criminal record - "economic terrorism."
Washington State Senator Doug Ericksen's new bill, however, only hazily concerns economics. Instead, the proposed legislation - dressed in the sheep's clothing of criminalizing rioting - constitutes a predatory attack on First Amendment-protected activity: protests.
"Ericksen has prepared a bill for next year's legislative session that would create a new crime of economic terrorism," the senator's website states. "The measure would allow felony prosecution of those who intentionally break the law in an attempt to intimidate or coerce private citizens or the government by obstructing economic activity."
Alan McLemore speaking:
I have been a Democracy Now! and Amy Goodman fan for decades. But lately I have begun to wonder if they've been co-opted.
I just watched a piece from today's program about Aleppo, and they put on a pro-war propagandist followed by another pro-war propagandist. I was mystified; very little said about reports that the al-Nusra terrorist group was preventing civilians from leaving; were using chemical weapons; and were using civilians as human shields. Nor was there any mention of the many times Russia has offered to permit civilians to leave, offers which were always shut down by terrorist attacks that broke cease-fires and prevented civilian escape.
So I went looking, and found this:
"Last Wednesday's program is a model for how far Amy has drifted from 'independent' news reporting. Is the fact that George Soros, 'progressive' billionaire and the Ford Foundation, plus several other foundations are now heavy financial contributors to her program a factor in what she reports, how she reports it, and what she chooses not to report?"
I found another link that looks even more promising, but it isn't working for some reason:
Amy Goodman may also have sold out. So many have proven to be false this year--sad...
DONALD TRUMP, IMPLEMENTING what one news outlet called a "tough lobbying ban", swept several registered lobbyists out of his transition team last week - only to replace them on Monday with new officials heavily involved with lobbying for the same industry interests.
The junk food lobbyist overseeing the agency that is responsible for the federal school lunch program will be replaced - by a former junk food lobbyist.
The Koch Industries lobbyist who was overseeing transition efforts on energy and the environment will be replaced - by a former Koch Industries lobbyist who leads a think tank funded by Koch Industries.
No different than Obama or what Hillary would have done!
While running my errands this afternoon, I was listening to the radio today and on KPFA there was this Guns and Butter program with a woman named Bonny Faulkner... In it, she interviews Jonathan Simon, author of Code Red and many other election related books and also " Fingerprints of Election Theft" which was the subject for today. THIS crowd knows a LOT about this already, but it was great to hear from a true expert. Among a great many things, he basically says that back when Romney lost, the reason Turd Blossom was basically screaming like an idiot that his candidate won on live TV was because Rove didn't know that Anonymous had infiltrated Rove's operation and had changed some 150 passwords that the operatives were going to have used to fix the vote for Romney! This is VERY well worth listening to!
Then late in the afternoon, KPFA had gone on to a program I didn't care for, and I switched to PBS and heard Greg Palast claim that Trump cheated this cycle and Hillary should have won... It was rather sickening. I have heretofore thought highly of Greg and he usually does good work, but... ugh! ... I don't have a link to that program but it was, oh an hour or so ago...
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