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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Video of the controversial aid group Syrian Civil Defense, also known as the "White Helmets," has leaked showing the staging of a fake rescue. The video shows White Helmet workers and a trapped "victim" getting into position and preparing for a scene, laying completely still as the camera move around them.
Then the action kicks into gear with a flurry of activity and shouting off-camera with the "victim" suddenly screaming in agony as White Helmet workers/actors remove debris from his body and carry him away.
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe announced Friday that it rejects the Obama administration's decision to close access to a campsite where water protectors have been demonstrating the Dakota Access Pipeline since April.
"Our Tribe is deeply disappointed in this decision by the United States, but our resolve to protect our water is stronger than ever," said Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Chairman Dave Archambault II.
The Army Corps of Engineers said that all lands north of the Cannonball River, which is where the main Oceti Sakowin camp is located, will be closed by Dec. 5. The move is allegedly intended to "protect the general public from the violent confrontations between protesters and law enforcement officials that have occurred in this area," while the government agency will create a "free speech zone" to replace the camp.
Remain close to the great spirit
Show great respect for your fellow beings
Give assistance and kindness wherever needed
Be truthful and honest at all times
Do what you know to be right
Look after the well being of mind and body
Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect
Take full responsibility for your actions
Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good
Work together for the benefit of all mankind
Finland has announced plans to phase out coal by 2030 in a bid to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions.
The government announced the goal on Thursday in its "Energy and Climate Strategy for 2030 and Beyond", which details plans to stop producing energy from coal within 14 years, make energy production carbon-neutral by 2050 and replace traditional power sources with bio-fuels and renewable energy.
Discriminatory policing against journalists based on their political beliefs raises significant First Amendment questions, and they will only get more grave: the rise of crowdfunded, independent media; the decline of commercial, traditional news organizations; the practice of blacking out coverage of significant protests; and the coming, press-hostile, human-rights-hostile Trump years will put police and journalists into more conflict than ever.
To make things worse, FEMA has circulated training materials to its officers advising them that "Some protesters will attempt to design fictitious media credentials to gain access to events or special consideration by law enforcement," giving fed law-enforcement a virtual hunting-license to actually target journalists. The US Army Corps of Engineers has also gotten in on the act, declaring an out-of-the-way corner far from the action to be the designated "free speech zone" and ordering protesters to remove themselves to the zone on pain of arrest (though the protesters are occupying treaty land that was never ceded to the US government).
PAT BOYLE, A Denver-based journalist, was shot in the abdomen last Sunday by a rubber bullet as he reported from North Dakota on a clash between demonstrators and police that would end with 26 protesters sent to hospitals and 300 requiring other medical treatment. One woman was severely injured and underwent emergency surgery on her arm after officers unleashed "less than lethal" weapons, including rubber bullets, icy cold water, and, reportedly, concussion grenades on the crowd. Police were reacting to an attempt by Dakota Access pipeline opponents to tow away burned vehicles that officers had secured in place to act as a highway blockade, preventing access to pipeline construction sites down the road. The rubber bullet that hit Boyle tore right through his press pass, leaving a jagged hole through the words "Unicorn Riot," his news organization's name.
On Dec. 2, 1956, Castro, Guevara and 80 followers reached the shore of Cuba's Oriente province in a battered American cabin cruiser, the Granma, wretchedly seasick after a seven-day voyage. The men leaped into hip-deep mud and struggled through a mangrove swamp to reach land. Most were killed or captured in the first hours. Only 16 made it safely to the 4,500-foot ridges of the Sierra Maestra. There they began a guerrilla campaign to oust Batista, who was backed by a 40,000-strong security force equipped with tanks, artillery and U.S.-supplied warplanes. Castro's force, however, slowly began to grow. He recruited peasants as guerrilla fighters and organized intellectuals and middle-class followers into an urban underground railroad of funds and supplies.
His recruiting was aided immeasurably by his skills at propaganda and psychological warfare. Castro's greatest ploy was luring a New York Times correspondent named Herbert Matthews to his mountain camp. Though the rebels had barely 20 bedraggled men, Castro marched the same group past Matthews several times and also staged the arrival of "messengers" reporting the movement of other (nonexistent) units.
Matthews, convinced Castro controlled a huge army, wrote: From the look of things, General Batista cannot possibly hope to suppress the Castro revolt. A wave of favorable coverage followed in the foreign press, and with it, international support.
For those who missed our original reports, here is the new law in a nutshell: it requires telecom companies to keep records of all users' web activity for a year, creating databases of personal information that the firms worry could be vulnerable to leaks and hackers. Civil liberties groups say the law establishes mass surveillance of British citizens, following innocent internet users from the office to the living room and the bedroom. They are right.
While Edward Snowden previously blasted the law, none other than Tim Berners-Lee, the man credited with inventing World Wide Web, tweeted news of the law's passage with the words: "Dark, dark days."
Coming at a time when the mainstream media is lashing out at non-traditional websites, which it brands either with the derogatory "altright", or simply slams as "Russian propaganda" to deflect from the fact that the MSM has been exposed as being a PR arm of the ruling establishment, the Investigatory Powers Bill- called the "snoopers' charter" by critics - was passed by UK Parliament this month after more than a year of debate and amendments, and with its passage shifts "1984" from the fiction to the non-fiction section, as the formation of the surveillance police state is now effectively complete.
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