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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

News Summaries For 20161130


Reflections on Obama's Legacy

Contributed by: dragoon1



Just saw the top story on the guardian: How Obama's climate change legacy is weakened by US investment in dirty fuel.

After I stopped guffawing at the notion that he had any sort of climate change legacy other than lip service and hypocrisy, it caused me to reflect on just how awful the Obama legacy is.

dragoon1 and RTIII

Obama's legacy:

-- Biggest corporate give-away ever (ok, I don't know if that is true, just that he used the power of the state to compel people to buy a 'service' from private entities, which make a profit): obamacare.

-- Democrats swept from the national political scene.

-- After 8 years of Obama, the nation can agree on one thing: they want systemic change And this was after campaigning on a message of change.

-- The TWO Wars we all wanted ended when he came to power have expanded to seven.

-- Illegal assassinations

-- Probably illegal, and if not illegal then certainly unhelpful drone strikes which create at least as many "terrorists" as they kill, probably many more.

-- Illegal kidnappings.

-- Continued torture (eg Manning) despite claiming to have ended the practice.

-- The end of Habius Corpus, which has persisted in the western world since the Magna Carta! Eight Hundred Years of Western History, trashed.

-- The true advent of, and strenghtening of the unitary executive insanity

-- Trump, as President Elect, not even a month after the election, is already proving more effective at helping labor.

-- Instead of following his campaign promises about it, whistleblowers are hunted instead of protected.

-- Instead of following his campaign promises about it, he's managed the least transparent administration in US history.

-- Democracy was, literally, abused and discarded at the altar of the Clinton machine, and, as the leader of the party, he supported that implicitly.

-- Zero progress on infrastructure.

-- Zero progress on good jobs.

-- Mixed and mostly negative legacy on global climate change - NEVER used the bulley pulpit to explain the problem and what he was going to do about it and never did anything substantive about it anyway.

-- Leased or gave away lots of federal lands to exploitation.

-- Lack of meaninful prosecutions in ALL these areas:

-Allowed the Bundy people to get away scott free
-Allowed the Bankers to get away scott free
-Allowed the people housed at GitMo to rot without trials.
-Allowed the NSA and other U.S. Agencies to continue to violate the consitution
-Refuses to grant Edward Snowden a fair trial

-- Created an important new marine preserve. OK, he got one thing right.

We are sure there's a lot more to add!

BREAKING: Sheriff's Dept to Fine People $1K for Bringing in Food and Supplies to Standing Rock

Contributed by: smkngman3


Reuters reports: "Supplies, including food and building materials, will be blocked from entering the main camp following Governor Jack Dalrymple's signing of an 'emergency evacuation' order on Monday, said Maxine Herr, a spokeswoman from the Morton County Sheriff's Department."

Herr flatly stated, according to Reuters, "They have deliveries, retailers that are delivering to them - we will turn around any of those services."

More information.

Chaffetz on Clinton probe: "We can't just simply let this go"

Contributed by: smkngman3


"We can't just simply let this go," Chaffetz told host Martha MacCallum on Fox News's "America's Newsroom" Wednesday.

"If the president or president-elect wants to pardon Secretary Hillary Clinton for the good of the nation, that is their option," Chaffetz added. "But I have a duty and an obligation to actually fix the problems that were made with Hillary Clinton."


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