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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

News Summaries For 20161201


Martin Shkreli responds after Sydney Grammar boys make Daraprim

Contributed by: smkngman3


The man who has been called the "poster boy for greedy drug company executives" and "the most hated man in the world", Martin Shkreli, has responded to reports that a group of Sydney schoolboys made a drug that his company charges at $US750 ($A1011) a tablet.

Soon after the Fairfax Media report broke, people on Twitter started peppering Mr Shkreli with questions about the story.

Mr Shkreli's company gained the rights to Daraprim, an anti-parasitic medication listed by the World Health Organisation as essential, and soon after he raised the price from $US13.50 ($18) to $US750 a dose.

Mr Shkreli said the price rise was to extract money from insurance companies to fund research for better drugs. He says anybody in the US without insurance who needs the drug can get the drug for free.

Under the guidance of Dr Alice Williamson at the University of Sydney, some year 11 Sydney Grammar students made the drug for about $2 a dose.

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