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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

News Summaries For 20161203


Sheriff Caught Scrubbing Facebook Page of Evidence of DAPL Civil Rights Violations after Fed Lawsuit

Contributed by: smkngman3


Essentially, the page was taken offline for a number of days so the Sheriff's Office could erase any potentially incriminating evidence of civil rights violations from their Facebook page.

"I was there to observe what was going on, and to continue the protest against the pipeline," Demo said in sworn affidavit for the lawsuit. "I was not threatening to the officers."

Demo had been filming the attack on Dundon when he was shot. The knuckles in Demo's right hand were broken and doctors have told him that he will need reconstructive surgery to repair the damage.

U.S. veterans to meet with tribe elders in pipeline protest"

Contributed by: smkngman3


The group of veterans are also expected over the weekend to complete building a barracks and mess hall near where they constructed a headquarters at the Oceti Sakowin camp about 5 miles (8 km) north of the small town of Cannon Ball.

The Native Americans and protesters say the $3.8 billion pipeline threatens water resources and sacred sites.

Wesley Clark Jr, a writer whose father is retired U.S. Army General Wesley Clark, met with law enforcement on Friday to tell them that 3,500 veterans may join the protest and the demonstrations would be carried out peacefully, protest leaders said.

Tribal leaders asked the veterans, who aim to form a wall in front of police to protect the protesters, to avoid confrontation with authorities and not get arrested.

Six things you can do to help the fight against the Dakota access pipeline

Contributed by: RTIII


1. Call North Dakota governor Jack Dalrymple at 701-328-2200. Please be professional when leaving a message.

2. Donate items from the Sacred Stone Camp Supply List:

3. Contribute to the Sacred Stone Camp Legal Defense Fund:

4. Call the Army Corps of Engineers and ask that they reverse the permit:
(202) 761-5903

5. Call the executives of the companies that are building the pipeline:

a. Lee Hanse Executive Vice President Energy Transfer Partners, L.P. 800 E Sonterra Blvd #400 San Antonio, Texas 78258 Telephone: (210) 403-6455

b. Glenn Emery Vice President Energy Transfer Partners, L.P. 800 E Sonterra Blvd #400 San Antonio, Texas 78258 Telephone: (210) 403-6762

c. Michael (Cliff) Waters Lead Analyst Energy Transfer Partners, L.P. 1300 Main St. Houston, Texas 77002 Telephone: (713) 989-2404

6. Help ISWSR reach more people via social media by donating to our media awareness advertising campaign.

Military Veteran: Standing Rock Is The First Time I Actually Fought For The People

Contributed by: smkngman3


'I've been on the wrong side of history'

I was in Iraq when President Bush announced the "surge" in January 2007.

I was in Afghanistan when President Obama announced the "surge" in December 2009. But it wasn't until I visited Standing Rock in October 2016 when I actually served the American people. This time, instead of fighting for corporate interests, I was fighting for the people.

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