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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

News Summaries For 20161209


People of the U.S. and World Ask ICC to Prosecute U.S. War Crimes

Contributed by: Deep_Ones


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Twitter cuts off third surveillance firm for encouraging police to spy on activists

Contributed by: smkngman3


The severed contract follows Twitter nullifying the commercial data agreements of two other leading social-network-surveillance firms, Geofeedia and Snaptrends.

Previously unreported, Twitter severed the access of Media Sonar, an Ontario-based company founded in 2012, which has sold surveillance software to police departments across the United States. Nineteen local government services are known to have each spent at least $10,000 on the software between 2014 and 2016 \- 2018, according to documents acquired under state open-records laws.

How the Government Is Turning Legal Marijuana into a Massive Surveillance State

Contributed by: smkngman3


Unfairly or not, most people think of marijuana as an illegal drug that thrives on the black market. They don't view it as a highly regulated commodity packaged in one of the most high-tech surveillance systems on the market. But that's exactly what it is - at least, in four states where it is legal, primarily in Colorado.

There, each recreational and medicinal strain of marijuana bears a barcode and a Radio Frequency ID (RFID). The facilities that house and sell the herb brandish state of the art 24/7 security that tracks the movements of every employee. This "cannabis surveillance state" is in place ostensibly to ensure that states can control the drug from being on the black market; surveillance data allows regulators to know there is a "closed loop" of marijuana and that it is not crossing state lines.

Video: Cenk on "Hillary Wants Government To Decide What 'Fake News' Is"

Contributed by: Edwin


Watch the video.

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