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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

News Summaries For 20161213


Tulsi Gabbard: "The U.S. government must stop arming terrorists"

Contributed by: smkngman3


Here's a truth that won't surprise you: it is illegal for Americans to provide money or assistance to al Qaeda, ISIS, or other terrorist groups.

What is shocking however, is that this only applies to United States citizens, not the United States government, which has for years been directly and indirectly supporting terror organizations with money, weapons, and intelligence in a counterproductive attempt to overthrow the Syrian government.

#OurRevolution; Despite there being no evidence of the Russian ...

Contributed by: Art Richards



Despite there being no evidence of the Russian government influencing our election, I'm all for investigating it.

We also need to look into the corruption, crimes & collusion between the media, the DNC & the Clinton camp exposed.

Both or neither.

Video: We Are Watching The Long Game to Total Censorship Play Out

Contributed by: claude


Watch the video.

The people who produced this also have a site. Find it here.

EPA Finally Concludes Fracking Pollutes Drinking Water

Contributed by: smkngman3


In a final report issued Tuesday, Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas: Impacts from the Hydraulic Fracturing Water Cycle on Drinking Water Resources, the EPA removed a finding included in a 2015 draft which indicated that fracking did not cause "widespread, systemic" harm. Fossil fuel industry lobbyists had praised that version of the draft-which also received misleading media coverage-claiming it vindicated the controversial drilling method that involves shooting chemical-laden water into shale rock at high pressure to release the gas trapped underneath.

Methane levels in the atmosphere are now rising at their fastest pace in decades

Contributed by: smkngman3


Yet CO2 isn't the only greenhouse gas around. There's also methane (CH4), which persists for a much shorter time in the atmosphere, but has a much more powerful warming effect. Over a 20-year period, it's 86 times as potent at trapping heat as CO2.

And the methane trends are more dire: Two new studies suggest that concentrations of methane in the atmosphere are now rising at their fastest pace in two decades - a rate of increase that's approaching some of the worst-case scenarios in UN climate projections.


Contributed by: Alam McLemore


Further evidence of the political motivation behind the whole CIA claim that Russia was behind the DNC and Podesta leaks has come from an unexpected quarter - James Clapper's Office of the Director of National Intelligence ("ODNI") - which supervises the work of all of the US's 17 intelligence agencies.

Speaking anonymously to Reuters, three ODNI officials have trashed the CIA claim that Russia provided Wikileaks with the DNC and Podesta leaks in order to help Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the US election.

Before proceeding further, it is important to say that these three ODNI officials are undoubtedly acting on instructions from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Indeed it is very likely he is one of them....

Putin didn't win this election for Trump. Hillary Clinton did

Contributed by: smkngman3


Julian Assange denies that the Russian government was the source of the hacked emails to and from Clinton campaign chair John Podesta that WikiLeaks published. Of course, there's no way of knowing if he's telling the truth - but regardless of their source, how much influence did they have on the election outcome?

We can never know, but it sure seems like only a handful of connoisseurs read through them. And those who did discovered precisely how cynical and empty the Clinton operation was, like the moment where campaign manager Robby Mook asks Podesta and several other senior operatives "where we landed exactly on trade. Is she going to say she supports it?" ("it" presumably being the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which Clinton supported as secretary of state but came to oppose for electoral reasons).

The displaced machinists in the industrial midwest, whose votes helped put Trump in the White House, believe that free trade deals are responsible for their economic woes and they never trusted Clinton's turn against the TPP. But that was Clinton's campaign for you, bereft of principle and pathologically concerned with "optics" at the expense of substance.

Image: TIME Person Of The Year: Donald Trump...

Contributed by: not sure


TIME Person Of The Year

Donald Trump: Pussy Grabber of the United States of America

WATCH: US Senator Exposes ISIS as a 'Tool of the US, Saudi Arabia and NATO'

Contributed by: Alan McLemore


"Unfortunately, I believe, under the Obama administration, I think there has been a great deal of coordination between terrorist forces and the US-led coalition," Black said.

While the US, as well as other western countries and major regional players, do not share the same goals as the terrorists, they have been seemingly sparing Islamic State if airstrikes against the terrorist group could have resulted in disadvantage to Turkey, the key NATO member in the region and a US ally, which Black alleges, has engaged in economic relations with terrorists.

"There [the terrorists] have not been loved by anyone, but they have been a major trading partner of Turkey, and the United States withheld any attack when they first seized Palmyra travelling a hundred miles over open territory, and, I confirm, there was not a single bomb dropped by the American-led coalition," he said....

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