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News Summaries For 20161214


The MSM two weeks before election: "No, the presidential election can't be hacked..."

Contributed by: smkngman3


MSM two weeks before election...

CNN: No, the presidential election can't be hacked.

MSM After The Election...

CNN: Where's the outrage over Russia's hack of the US election?

Spiffy says...

They really think we have the memory span of a goldfish.

Top 11 "Russian-Hack" Questions The "Rogue-Electors" Should Ask The CIA

Contributed by: smkngman3


Assuming these "rogue-Electors" from the Electoral College get a briefing on the "Russian election-hack" from the CIA, and assuming the Electors have a few working brain cells, and assuming they care, here are the top 11 questions they should ask the CIA presenter:

Goodbye NYT! New York Times CEO Delivers Speech On Eradicating "Fake News"

Contributed by: smkngman3


"What can we do about it? The first thing that springs to some people's minds is some form of censorship or regulation. I note in my book how the 17th century British political thinker Thomas Hobbes came, at least in part, to blame extremist sermons and tracts - tracts which could be mass-produced and disseminated widely within hours thanks to the still relatively new technology of printing - for England's descent into civil war. He later argued that the war might never have happened if a few thousand of the extremists had been rounded up and executed.

Now, while I don't suppose that even the sternest critic of fake news would advocate the death penalty, there are certainly some who favor a kind of functional censorship, with fake news sites identified and taken down, and fake news somehow filtered out of search and social media by human or algorithmic means."


Contributed by: Alan McLemore


Aleppo, Syria - Although mainstream western media is reporting rumors of mass civilian killings in Syria, with some going so far as to call it a genocide, sources on the ground in Aleppo have pushed back against that false narrative regarding the propaganda being parroted across the 24-7 western corporate media echo chamber in relation to the alleged war crimes of rape and extrajudicial killing by the Syrian Arab Army (SSA).


Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett, seen in the video below, completely exposes the false narrative being largely disseminated strategic disinformation to an unsuspecting American and European public. The western media are often "useful idiots" in a much larger game being played by groups beholden to dangerous policy of regime change in Syria through proxy support of terrorist groups like the Nusra Fron

Fake News Alert! "U.S. Officials: Putin Personally Involved in U.S. Election Hack"

Contributed by: smkngman3 , MsPythia


Two senior officials with direct access to the information say new intelligence shows that Putin personally directed how hacked material from Democrats was leaked and otherwise used. The intelligence came from diplomatic sources and spies working for U.S. allies, the officials said.

Putin's objectives were multifaceted, a high-level intelligence source told NBC News. What began as a "vendetta" against Hillary Clinton morphed into an effort to show corruption in American politics and to "split off key American allies by creating the image that [other countries] couldn't depend on the U.S. to be a credible global leader anymore," the official said.

US Foreign Policy: Fighting or Producing Terrorism?

Contributed by: smkngman3


The gist of the speech seemed to assert that the U.S. is and should stay true to its values when fighting terrorism. An assertion when at the same time Congressman Ted Lieu, a California Democrat, has written a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry warning him the U.S. could be charged with war crimes in aiding Saudi Arabia's bombing campaign in Yemen. The U.S. helps through in-air refueling of planes. The congressman claims there are 70 documented incidents targeting civilians including women and children. Yemen itself never had a refugee crisis through years of civil conflict, that is until the merciless Saudi air onslaught.

What did Libya do to incur U.S. wrath?

It was fighting a civil war where the casualties were in the hundreds and the rebels themselves were not without foreign instigators. Look at Libya now. From leading Africa on the Human Development Index scale to being bombed into shambles without an effective government. By the way, what was the strategic (or for that matter even tactical) value of bombing a precious and expensive water system bringing water from the south to Tripoli? And how did it help the civilian population of Tripoli? Now, of course, those who can, in Libya, are fleeing to Europe. In fact, sub-Saharan Africans who would come to Libya seeking work now try also to get to Europe.

Ask the Libyans who they blame for their problems and the answer comes back without equivocation, the U.S. It was the leading cause of the country's destruction. Ask the Yemenis ... ditto. It is the country supplying the planes, the bombs, the air-refueling. Without it there would be no air campaign. Ask the Syrians as a National Public Radio reporter did this week. They certainly do not blame President Bashar Assad, who they feel is doing well at keeping the country together. No, they blame the Saudis, the Gulf States and their arms supplier-in-chief, the U.S.

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