html> The Troy Press; Daily News Summary for 20161215

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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

News Summaries For 20161215


"Bullet In The Mouth" - Trump Electors Flooded With Death Threats

Contributed by: Bobbylon


Electors around the country are being harassed with a barrage of emails, phone calls, letters and even death threats, in an effort to block Donald Trump from being voted in as president by the Electoral College on Monday. Of course, with the mainstream media and democrats pushing the dangerous narrative that Putin basically usurped our democracy, it's no wonder that disaffected Hillary snowflakes are growing more "triggered" with each passing day.

According to a report from the New York Post, one Republican elector in Michigan has even received death threats after he refused to change his vote.

For Michael Banerian, a senior at Oakland University in Michigan and a Republican elector, the harassment comes with a dark side.

He said he's been getting death threats via email, snail mail, Twitter and Facebook.

"Somebody threatened to put a bullet in the back of my mouth," Banerian, 22, told The Post on Wednesday.

Republican electors from all over the country are being inundated with emails, phone calls and letters on a daily basis, from angry democrats, urging them to switch their votes. One Republican elector in Arizona estimated that she had received 50,000 emails since election day.

The FCC, VITAL to the Internet, "changing hands:" FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler to resign

Contributed by: Hansjurg , RTIII


Tom Wheeler, Democratic chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, said Thursday he will leave the agency Jan. 20, ending months of will-he-or-won't-he speculation about his plans.

"Serving as FCC Chairman during this period of historic technological change has been the greatest honor of my professional life," Wheeler said in a statement announcing his departure. "It has been a privilege to work with my fellow commissioners to help protect consumers, strengthen public safety and cybersecurity, and ensure fast, fair and open networks for all Americans."

His departure means the FCC will start the Trump administration with a 2-1 Republican majority, allowing the GOP to immediately begin dismantling Obama-era regulations.

While it is customary for FCC chairmen to resign at the start of a new administration, Wheeler had for months refused to publicly commit to stepping down when President Barack Obama leaves office, angering Republican lawmakers who held up the confirmation of his fellow FCC Democrat, Jessica Rosenworcel. The Senate did not approve Rosenworcel for a new term before it left town for recess last week, and she will have to leave the commission by Jan. 3.

Chief among the GOP targets are Wheeler's net neutrality rules, passed last year, which require internet service providers to treat all Web traffic equally. The rules reclassify broadband akin to a utility, making it subject to stricter oversight. Republicans called the regulations burdensome on companies, and the telecom industry has sued - so far unsuccessfully - to overturn them.

This meansThe Battle For Net-Neutrality is ON!

And, we'd better win or we're all screwed.

The Assault on Independent Media Has Begun: NBC Evening News in Denver Defames Naked Capitalism

Contributed by: BeliTsari , RTIII


Some readers have said that our concern over being smeared as an evil Rooskie propagandist and/or a purveyor of dodgy news was overdone. Yet as we showed yesterday, via our attorney Jim Moody's second letter to the Washington Post, the purge has already started. Counterpunch was dropped from Google News the day after the Post legitimated the propaganda site PropOrNot's false accusation that Counterpunch was a Putin stooge. Even though Counterpunch sought reinstatement and got itself removed from PropOrNot's blacklist, Google has refused to reinstate them and has not given any explanation as to why.

We are now the subject of a direct attack. This segment, which ran on December 13 on "Next with Kyle Clark" which is part of NBC's Denver's news affiliate 6PM news show, should convince you otherwise that the threat to independent sites is real and growing:

Watch The Video.

You will see not only is the Naked Capitalism URL the only readable URL by virtue of being larger, it also is the only one for an entire site, as opposed to for a single news story:

A diligent reader tracked down the location for the clip, and it was indeed filmed in Denver at 1550 17th Street.

Naked Capitalism's name is on view for 5 seconds (in two closely spaced cuts). The site is depicted as confirming readers' existing biases, being in business "for fun," and to earn ad revenues by exploiting gullibility. Viewers are told to stop tweeting and sharing Naked Capitalism. Reading Naked Capitalism is equated with not thinking for yourself.

Naked Capitalism in its entirety is depicted as being as bad as the Internet hoax of Fappy the anti-masturbation dolphin (see here for a phony CBS new site with Fappy's debut; this 2016 story on a mock CNN site is epic).

The clip received 15,000 views on Kyle Clark's Facebook page alone. Lord only knows how many people saw it when it was broadcast.

I urge readers in Denver will contact local advertisers on the 6 PM news show and tell them you are boycotting them and urging all your colleagues, friends and family members to do so as a result of their sponsorship of this show and its irresponsible attack on a small and highly reputable independent website. Send them this Ben Norton and Glenn Greenwald article to prove our bona fides. My lawyer will have a few words to say too, but in the meantime, if you can also voice your disapproval forcefully to the producer and any ombudsman, it would be very helpful.

Due to already being so behind the eight ball due to how much effort this battle is taking, I am being negligent in not providing the normal helpful contact numbers. I trust readers will do so in comments so as to aid other readers in taking action. Thanks again for your patience and support.

I know it is only a modest consolation, but we are providing extra posts on days we provide updates on this ongoing attack against independent news sites.

Video: How To Make A Sandwitch (for misogynists)

Contributed by: RTIII


Watch the video.

Cenk remains a sell-out, but his video of Sanders winning over Trump Supporters is priceless.

Contributed by: SpiffyTheValiant


Watch the video.

In this video...

...Sanders is his old classic self, actually listening to people and speaking to their needs in a truly genuin way. And, they listen to him, and give him ovations for his support of regular people.

Then, Cenk goes on to bloviate about how Sanders should have won, somehow forgetting that HE went all ape-shit IN THE PRIMARY that we should vote for that terrible candidate, Hillary.

Sanders remains awesome, Cenk remains duplicitous.

An Economist re-thinks the role of Sociology in his field: "A Job Is More Than a Paycheck"

Contributed by: RTIII


The conclusion:

We [economists] should read more sociology, talk to more workers and pay more attention to things like dignity, respect and a sense of community -- intangibles that aren't sold in any market.

Maybe someday, academic economists could even put these things into their models, too.

This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.


Contributed by: smkngman3


by Gilbert Doctorow, Ute Finckh-Kr'mer, Ludger Volmer, Rolf Ek'us and Noam Chomsky

Civic and religious leaders in Germany are spearheading a new initiative to avoid war between Russia and the West.

YAY! We need more of these insightful interventions!

Clinton Investigation Back On: FBI Agents In NY Ordered To Continue Foundation Probe

Contributed by: Alan McLemore


After the election, many speculated that the probe of the Clinton Foundation would be laid to rest. But now, according to an exclusive report from the Daily Caller, senior officials at FBI headquarters in Washington DC have apparently instructed agents in the New York field office to continue their investigation of the Clinton Foundation. According to the source, the instructions were passed on to the NYC field office last week and involves operations in at least five cities, including: New York, Little Rock, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and Miami....

The Daily Caller is not the most reliable source, but this interesting if true...

Power and Persuasion

Contributed by: Alan McLemore


Bernie Sanders's nationally televised town hall spotlighted the type of politics we need to beat Trump.

Bernie Sanders's nationally televised MSNBC town hall in Kenosha, Wisconsin earlier this week was a vivid reminder that political argument is strange, hard, and absolutely necessary to the Left. It was also a reminder of what political argument looks like when it is not pious or tribal, but instead entirely serious about both power and principles....

PropOrNot: Evidence of a CIA Psychological Operation

Contributed by: smkngman3


On November 24, The Washington Post published a story citing the anonymous group PropOrNot. The story accused the Russians of building a large propaganda operation that worked to defeat Hillary Clinton and elect "insurgent candidate" Donald Trump. It claimed a large number of alternative news websites are acting as Russian agents, dupes, and useful idiots.

Prior to this, in March 2015, the Voice of America insisted Russia has organized "around-the-clock operation in which an army of trolls disseminated pro-Kremlin and anti-Western talking points on blogs and in the comments sections of news websites in Russia and abroad."

Voice of America is a propaganda service created by the CIA during the Cold War.

In January, the Institute of Modern Russia and its Interpreter Mag teamed up with the CIA through Voice of America to combat "Kremlin disinformation and propaganda." The Institute of Modern Russia maintains close relationships with many Russian opposition leaders.

Smkngman3 says...

This is not a site I normall use but it has some great points and links.

Facebook Is Finally Taking Action Against Fake News

Contributed by: Edwen


The social network announced Thursday that it will work with fact-checking outlets to label fake stories, flagged by users, as "disputed." Adam Mosseri, a vice president in charge of the news feed, shared the changes in a press release.

The updates are rolling out Thursday, so you won't see the disputed flags right away, but expect them shortly.

Image: The REAL Domestic Terrorists...

Contributed by: smkngman3


The REAL Domestic Terrorists:

Washington Post
New York Times


Contributed by: smkngman3


Hillary claimed in the final debate that "(w)e have 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military, who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyberattacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin, and they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing."

Yet it seems not to have occurred to the news organizations who keep repeating these claims that perhaps the intelligence agencies making them have their own agendas. For example, hyping accusations against a foreign enemy is a good way to ensure job security and rationalize ballooning budgets without actually demonstrating any results.

Michael Hudson Names the Pathogens in Our Economic Thinking

Contributed by: Alan McLemore


"So I'm trying to show that what people think is scientific economics, it makes it appear as if poverty is natural. It makes it appear that Goldman Sachs and Donald Trump are job creators instead of job destroyers."

Hudson continues:

So I talk about the vocabulary. It's an A to Z vocabulary that goes over all of the concepts you need to pierce through this Orwellian rhetoric that passes for mainstream economics today. Mainstream economics is pretty much turned into junk economics and its idea is that rent is perfectly natural to be paid. That a well-run economy should have no government at all but should shift all the economic planning to Wall Street to city of London or Paris or other financial centers. Let finance do the planning because they're the most productive people in the world that government is just a bureaucracy.

Now this is just the opposite of what was believed 100 years ago. I think I said before in this program that the first business school economics professor, the Horton School of Economics at the University of Pennsylvania in the 19th century was Simon Patton and he defined public infrastructure, the public option roads as a 4th factor of production. The biggest capital investment in every country is what governments spend on roads, water and sewer, basic infrastructure, communications, telephone, natural resources, and of course land. All these things are being privatized now and the job under government ownership under a public option like public health in Europe, the whole idea is to lower the cost of living, lower the cost of doing business so you make the economy more competitive.

Well under Thatcherism or Clintonism or whatever you want to call it, the idea is to turn the sidewalks over to the monopolists financed by Wall Street, to all of a sudden begin charging and the result is to make America a high cost economy. So, that when people like Donald Trump come in and say we're going to make America great again, what he means is competitive again. But how can you make it competitive if you make Americans pay so much more in healthcare, as much in healthcare as an Asian would earn in an entire year. If you gave Americans all of their food and clothing and everything they buy and [sell] for nothing, they still couldn't compete because of all of the costs that other countries pay for through the government; government healthcare, government spending, government roads.

This was the dream of America in the 19th century. It's what made America the most competitive country in the world. Enabled it to undersell others. It's what made Germany competitive. It's what made Japan competitive and all of this is being undone now as if this whole world that existed before 1980, before Margaret Thatcher, before Ronald Reagan, even before Bill Clinton, didn't really exist. There's been an expurgation of all of the tools of thought, all of the vocabulary that you use to distinguish between profits that are actually earned on capital investment, hiring people and economic rent which is just a toll booth to extort money over and above the actual cost of production....


Contributed by: Alan McLemore


...But there is one major problem with these well-articulated video pleas: these aren't simple civilians of Aleppo, but bloggers and filmmakers - who have played active roles in supporting the regime change operation - who are now magically being given prime time slots for worldwide TV coverage. Interestingly, Aleppo has no cell service or electricity, so how these "civilian" videos are being recorded/disseminated is also an open question, which implies less than organic means....

Tulsi Gabbard Defends Donald Trump's Appointments (uncritically)

Contributed by: Alan McLemore


Alan McLemore comments

I am beginning to think Tulsi Gabbard has gone insane, or has gone completely over to the dark side (or is angling for a position with the Trump Administration). Here an interviewer asks Tulsi about 3 cabinet picks who are generals, and who are all awful (like Michael Flynn; see video). Instead of taking their qualifications head-on, she scolded the interviewer for questioning them because they are "generals who put their country above themselves", basically saying that because they were military their qualifications shouldn't be questioned. Sound familiar? "Hillary, what did you say in your Goldman Sachs speeches?" "STFU you sexist Bernie Bro..."

Watch the video.

Video: Pizzagate for Beginners

Contributed by: Bobbylon , RTIII


Watch the video.

Please help us confirm this "reporting."

It would be nice if someone were to do a little backup investigation of the addresses and such in this video. They should be VERY easy to check up on if one happens to visit D.C. If so, please report to us here at - If the reporting here is true, this is some seriously sick stuff.

Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton emails leaked by pissed Bernie backer, not Russia

Contributed by: kaz


Wikileaks reveals leaked emails came from a Bernie Sander's supporter frustrated with the DNC rigging the primaries for Hillary Clinton.

Wikileaks revealed the source of their leaked emails in an exclusive interview today with the U.K.'s Daily Mail revealing that U.S. intelligence reports that Russia hacked the emails to interfere with the U.S. elections to help Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton are absolutely wrong.

Murray's claims have been corroborated with a second interview given to the U.K's Express and another interview by the U.K.'s well-respected Guardian.

In the interview Wikileaks envoy Craig Murray and former British ambassador stated the he personally flew to the United States and was handed both the DNC emails and the Podesta emails.

Murray told the Daily Mail the emails came from DNC insider with legal access to the emails who had knowledge of the corruption within the Clinton Foundation leaked the emails because he was frustrated with the DNC rigging the Democratic primaries against Bernie Sanders.

Murray stated regardless of whether Russia hacked any emails or not the Wikileaks emails did not come from Russia.

'Neither of the leaks came from the Russians,' Murray said. 'The source had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks.'

He said the motivation behind the leaks was 'disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders.'

The new information may likely lead U.S. intelligence sources to the more information about the source of the leak given they will be able to cross-reference Murray's flight records and cross-reference satellite and CCTV cameras during the time Murray was in Washington.

Murray told the Express that the person that who handed over the e-mails was from the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Murray's statements now officially corroborate prior claims initially made by Director Oliver Stone who suggested the leak was most likely an inside job in an interview with CNN three months ago.

Wikileaks is also retweeting confirming that Russia was not their source.

"Regardless of whether the Russians hacked into the DNC, the documents @wikileaks published did not come from that." - @CraigMurrayOrg.

- WikiLeaks Task Force (@WLTaskForce) December 15, 2016

Although Wikileaks still is not officially naming their source Wikileaks is adding more fuel to the fire fueling the conspiracy that their source was suspiciously murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich.

"Transparent" Obama Admin Just Ordered Bush's War Crimes to Remain Secret for 12 More Years

Contributed by: smkngman3


(RT) Those who wished to read the full text of the notorious Senate report on documenting the CIA torture of detainees after 9/11 will have to wait for 12 years. The White House ordered it kept under seal after Barack Obama leaves office.

Seven US senators urged the Obama administration to declassify the 6,770-page Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report on the CIA's detention and interrogation program so the public could have a full account of past torture practices.

White House counsel Neil Eggleston, in responding to the request, said the president had told the National Archives and Records Administration that access to the classified material should be shielded from public access requests for 12 years.

"At this time, we are not pursing declassification of the full study," Eggleston wrote in a letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein (D, California)

Obama vows action against Russia for hacks

Contributed by: smkngman3


President Barack Obama on Thursday vowed retaliatory action against Russia for its meddling in the US presidential election.

"I think there is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections that we need to take action and we will at a time and place of our own choosing," Obama told National Public Radio.

Describing potential countermeasures by the US, the President said "some of it may be explicit and publicized; some of it may not be."

He said he directly confronted Russian President Vladimir Putin about a potential US response, and said his counterpart acknowledged his stance.

Image: Obama pretends he's trapped in an invisible box...

Contributed by: Deep_Ones


Having had so much success thrilling the public by reacting to a fiscal cliff that wasn't really there, a debt ceiling that isn't really there and a magnanimous and peace-loving America that will never ever be there, president Obama decides to spend the entirety of his second term in office pretending to be trapped in an invisible box that prevents him from freeing Bradley [Chelsea] Manning, dismantling his drone program, aligning himself with the demands and concerns of the occupy movement, recognizing the pending catastrophe that is fracking, making illegal all forms of torture and secret imprisonment, rescuing the Palestinians from Israeli aggression and pulling his head out of the ginormous ass of wall street.

Editor's Note

I'd venture that most of us here don't agree with some of that, but it's a good rant and most of it is spot on.

Over 1,200 Palestinians Go Homeless Due to Israeli Demolitions

Contributed by: smkngman3


More than 1,200 Palestinians became homeless in 2016 as a result of continued Israeli demolitions of homes in villages and towns in the occupied West Bank in Palestine, the European Union said Thursday.

In a statement sent to reporters Thursday, the EU said its diplomats "deplore the demolitions of Palestinian structures undertaken by Israel in the occupied West Bank."

It said that Israel has carried out at least 866 demolitions so far this year, affecting more than 5,700 Palestinians while turning 1,221 of them homeless. The bloc said at least US$563,000 worth of structures built for Palestinians by the EU were destroyed by Israel during the same year alone.

Most of these demolitions have been carried out by Israel in Area C in the West bank, which is more than 60 percent of the West Bank and falls under full control of the Israeli government through COGAT, the Israeli defense body dealing with Palestinian civil affairs.

Image: Preserving Democracy is a Very Heavy Task (because it's all about Natural Resources)

Contributed by: Deep_Ones


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