Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Exposing corruption and crimes is now called "Russian Propaganda." The
Hillary and Podesta emails have always been proven as genuine. They
revealed both coruption and crimes at the hightst levels of government.
Those in charge can't dispute the fact that the emails are genuine, so they try to get you to look at who leaked them, rather than WHAT was leaked in them.
[And they even lie about who leaked them, risking WWIII without evidence.]
What was leaked is genuine; whether it was Russians or not who gave them to WikiLeaks, that is irrelevant.
Pay attention; don't be distracted.
It wasn't widely reported during the debate of the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), nor indeed was it mentioned in either the House or Senate versions of the bill, but the NDAA has a provision within it that would allow the US to send shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles to rebel factions in Syria.
As Nancy said so elloquently:
Wow who knew her losing would start WWlll? Talk about throwing a fucking tantrum! This bitch is out performing the best of the best. She needs to be stopped. By whatever means possible. The rest of the world should not have to get the fallout from her need for world domination.
Criticism by agency's inspector general appears particularly threadbare after internal panel found him guilty of lashing out against employee who came forward
Putin has had enough of the relentless barrage of US accusations that he, personally, "hacked the US presidential election."
The Russian president's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said on Friday that the US must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it. Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in its elections.
"You need to either stop talking about it, or finally show some kind of proof. Otherwise it just looks very indecent", Peskov told Reporters in Tokyo where Putin is meeting with Japan PM Abe, responding to the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks.
The parties linked to US military intelligence budgets have own interest in accusing Russia of alleged hacking activities against certain targets in the US, including against the Democratic National Committee (DNC), US National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower William Binney said in an interview published Friday.
Be Forewarned: Have Puke-Buckets at the ready if you're sensitive to obvious propaganda.
We have gone through the various claims about hacking. For us, it is child's play to dismiss them. The email disclosures in question are the result of a leak, not a hack. Here's the difference between leaking and hacking:
Leak: When someone physically takes data out of an organization and gives it to some other person or organization, as Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning did.
Hack: When someone in a remote location electronically penetrates operating systems, firewalls or any other cyber-protection system and then extracts data....
Just hours after Uber's self-driving cars hit the streets of San Francisco for the very first time, one of them was spotted apparently running a red light.
The incident was recorded by a dash cam in one of the city's Luxor Cabs and uploaded to YouTube a short time later. Uber says it's investigating.
In the video (above), the Luxor Cab slows up at a crosswalk as the light turns from yellow to red. A few seconds after it hits red, and fortunately before a pedestrian steps onto the crosswalk, what appears to be one of Uber's Volvo XC90 self-driving cars trundles through the stop light.
The lawmakers termed their letter an effort to "memorialize our understanding" of the intelligence community's plan to provide an estimate in real numbers, not percentages, as soon as January that can be shared with the public.
The government has long held that calculating the number of Americans subject to Section 702 surveillance might be technically impossible and would require privacy intrusions exceeding those raised by the actual surveillance programs, which were originally intended to counter foreign espionage.
Intelligence officials have said that online data about Americans is "incidentally" collected under Section 702, due to a range of technical and practical reasons. Critics have assailed such collection as back-door surveillance of Americans without a warrant.
Section 702 will expire on Dec. 31, 2017, absent congressional action. It enables two internet surveillance programs called Prism and Upstream that were revealed in a series of leaks by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden more than three years ago.
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) said in a statement that because President Barack Obama last week ordered the intelligence community to conduct a full-scale "review of foreign efforts to influence recent presidential elections - from 2008 to the present," the agencies would not comment further until the study is completed.
ODNI, which oversees all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies, said that when the review is complete, the U.S. intelligence community "stands ready to brief Congress."
The office said it also would make the study "available to the public consistent with protecting intelligence sources and methods."
The CIA based its conclusion about Russia hacking to influence the election not on irrefutable evidence but largely on its analysis of the fact that the Russians hacked both political parties while only publicizing information damaging to Democrats and their presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, said a U.S. official familiar with the agency's work, who also requested anonymity.
If Democrats fail to serve the oligarchy more effectively than Republicans, and doing so includes getting elected, the ptb may very well dispatch them permanently. Who needs Democrats who enact Republican policies when Republicans do the same? Democrat's only appeal was that they could shepherd the working class on board the Neoliberal program. These past 8 years they've lost the ability to do even that. All that's left for them to justify their existence is their ability to gas-light, befuddle and sabotage the left. Once they fail to do that well enough they're finished.
It's why I suspect Obama had the torture report installed in his presidential library. Insurance maybe for the coming Night of the Long Knives. Not that such a token would even matter once we slip into overt fascism.
We here at The Troy Press have NOT taken the time to confirm that Sitting
Bull was assinated on December 15, in the year 1890 at Standing Rock,
however, we honor and respect him. And so, we mourn this day his passing
in such a way, in such place as the claim in this image suggests. And
should the data be in error, there is no harm; we respect him anyway and
honor his passing with our thoughts for him, his people, his way of life,
and mourn what "The White Man" has done to him, all indigenous people, and
the land.
Man in tux and tails, handing Obama, who's commanding a tank, the Nobel Peace Prize while pointing to the bumper sticker which has changed from "with us or against us!" to "HOPE": "JUST for changing the Bumper Sticker..."
Julian Assange took down the most corupt politician in modern history...
...Media gives credit to the Russian Government.
Note that there's several ironies here!
The U.S. Energy Department said Friday that its long-troubled attempt to build a plant to process highly radioactive sludge at a former nuclear weapons site in central Washington state will cost an additional $4.5 billion, raising the project's price tag to $16.8 billion.
The Hanford treatment plant, a small industrial city with some two dozen facilities on a desert plateau along the Columbia River, is more than a decade behind schedule and will cost nearly four times the original estimate made in 2000.
The government aims to transform 56 million gallons of deadly sludge stored in leaky underground tanks into solid glass, which theoretically could then be stored safely for thousands of years.
The stalling of a national site, like Yucca Mountain, has prevented a truly competent solution. I get it that the people in NV don't want this, but leaving the nuclear material out in the rest of the nation to despoil uncounted areas FOREVER outweighs their interest, I think. This nightmare was NONE of our making, but unless they can propose a BETTER spot, I think the people opposing Yucca Mountain as a repository need to stop opposition and instead focus on making it as high-quality a repository as possible. Otherwise VAST stretches of our lands will be ruined for thousands of years. Better we contain it all in one spot, and if not there, where?
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