Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

News Summaries For 20161217



Contributed by: cathyx


On Dec. 11, fueled by prescription amphetamines and craft beer, Eric Garland disgorged a sprawling 127-tweet thread explaining to America and the world exactly what was going on, how Russia put Trump in power, and what they could do about it. And the thing was a sensation. Every so often, a text comes along that perfectly captures the mood of a certain section of society at a certain time, something that screams their pain for them in ways they can't quite manage to do themselves. Garland's tweet thread is that common roar of establishment liberalism in the age of Trump.

It's been retweeted thousands of times, gaining fawning praise from much of the liberal intelligentsia. Finally, someone has had the courage to put it all together, in a grand masterpiece of political analysis. Kurt Eichenwald of Newsweek and Vanity Fair called it "a MUST read." Clara Jeffery, editor in chief of Mother Jones, gushingly described it as the "single greatest thread I have ever read on Twitter. And in its way a Federalist Paper for 2016." "Great writing, using a form that doesn't usually lend itself to greatness," gurgled the Washington Post's David Fahrenthold. Tim Fullerton, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's director of communications, glooped that "if there were a Pulitzer for tweeting-this thread would be the undisputed winner of 2016." Patton Oswalt: "Succinct & propulsive writing." Sean Illing: "Bullshit-free."

Whatever Russia did or didn't do, the idea that its interference is what cost Hillary Clinton the election is utterly ludicrous and absolutely false. What cost Hillary Clinton the election can be summed up by a single line from Sen. Chuck Schumer, soon to be the country's highest-ranking Democrat: "For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin." As it turned out, he was fatally wrong. It wasn't the Russians who told the Democratic Party to abandon the working-class people of all races who used to form its electoral base. It wasn't the Russians who decided to run a presidential campaign that offered people nothing but blackmail-"vote for us or Dangerous Donald wins." The Russians didn't come up with awful tin-eared catchphrases like "I'm with her" or "America is already great." The Russians never ordered the DNC to run one of the most widely despised people in the country, simply because she thought it was her turn. The Democrats did that all by themselves.

The "Elite" Coup Of 2016

Contributed by: Alan McLemore


There is an "elite" coup attempt underway against the U.S. President-elect Trump.

The coup is orchestrated by the camp of Hillary Clinton in association with the CIA and neoconservative powers in Congress.

The plan is to use the CIA's "Russia made Trump the winner" nonsense to swing the electoral college against him. The case would then be bumped up to Congress. Major neocon and warmonger parts of the Republicans could then move the presidency to Clinton or, if that fails, put Trump's vice president-elect Mike Pence onto the throne. The regular bipartisan war business, which a Trump presidency threatens to interrupt, could continue.

Should the coup succeed violent insurrections in the United States are likely to ensue with unpredictable consequences....

NPR: 'Faithless' Electors Will Not Receive Intelligence Briefing

Contributed by: Alan McLemore , RTIII


The list of Democrat electors that demanded an intelligence briefing on Russian interference in the election prior to casting their vote continued to grow. As of last night we noted that 40 democrats had signed the petition and, as of this morning, the list has grown to 55. Not surprisingly, the list is loaded with disaffected Hillary supporters from Democratic strongholds like California and Virginia.

Original 10:

Newly Added Electors: Of course, as we concluded yesterday, this effort to block Trump will almost certainly be a complete failure. That said, the point isn't really to block Trump, but rather to do as much as possible to undermine the legitimacy of his presidency as possible before he takes office.

CNN... What does it stand for anyway? The Troy Press answers...

Contributed by: RTIII , SpiffyTheValiant , Deep_Ones , doubleplusliberal , smkngman3


We had a bit of a brain-storming on the question of what CNN actually stands for, and here are our results:






They did this for us, so by all means, use these wherever you feel they fit!

Image: The Democratic Party's Graveyard of Movements

Contributed by: Deep_Ones , RTIII


The Dead Movements - Dead at the hands of Democrats:

Labor, 1930's
Civil Rights, 1968
Environmental, 1970's
Anti-War, 1972
Feminism, 1973
Gay Rights, 1990's
Anti-Golobalization, 2002
Anti-War, 2004
Occupy Wall Street, 2012
Black Lives Matter - an open grave.

And so it goes.

The Democratic Party should be in that open grave, as soon as possible.

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