Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Please research, tweet President Elect @realDonaldTrump, and spread the word to others about this act, and your demand for NO MORE FAKE NEWS!
Washington insiders, trying to use Russia's alleged hack of Democratic emails to get the Electoral College to reject Donald Trump, are risking making the U.S. look like the world's largest open-air insane asylum, says John V. Whitbeck.
Readers of A Legacy of Ashes, Tim Weiner's definitive history of the CIA, will be aware that two of the principal activities of the CIA since its creation have been the propagation of fake news stories (officially, only for foreign consumption) and seeking to influence foreign elections, with the former often placed with friendly media so as to further the latter - admittedly, relatively benign activities compared to the CIA's more recent focus on torture and drone-assassinations.
Where that didn't work, the CIA organized coups to overthrow democratically elected governments not to America's liking (Iran, Guatemala, Chile, Ukraine, etc.), and, of course, there have been numerous American regime-change operations involving bombings and invasions. And, meanwhile, the NSA is vacuuming up every electronic communication on the planet …
It requires hypocrisy and historical amnesia on a breathtaking scale to be outraged that Russia might have made available to WikiLeaks some true internal emails from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton Campaign that did not reflect well on Clinton - let alone to characterize such a disclosure, as one member of Congress recently has, as an "act of war"....
Daily Kos publisher and Vox Media co-founder Markos "Kos" Moulitsas, an influential voice in liberal politics, published a blog post (Daily Kos, 12/12/16) that captures just how terribly leading Democratic pundits are taking Hillary Clinton's unexpected defeat. In the wake of this loss, some of the more hardcore Clinton partisans have chosen, in lieu of self-examination and internal criticism, to simply lash out at the voters they failed to win over.
West Virginia, Kentucky and Georgia say they were targeted by election-related cyberattacks that have been traced back to the Department of Homeland Security.
First they tried rioting, then they tried threatening electors, then they claimed the Russians hacked the voting machines. When all that failed, they came up with a new ploy; Donald Trump's win isn't legitimate because the Russians interfered in the election in favor of Trump, so the electors shouldn't vote for him. But let's be clear, the Russians didn't vote illegally, they didn't hack the voting machines, no. What the Russians are being accused of is hacking the e-mails that WikiLeaks released. In other words, according to the Democrats, the electors should overturn the results of a legitimately won election, because the Russians exposed the lies, deceit, corruption, and collusion of the Clinton campaign, the DNC, the Media...
...And lets not forget the corruption of The Clinton Foundation and Hillary's time in office as SoS.
Beyond even that; it's now known that three states are now saying that there were hack attempts on the actual vote, and the effort was traced to the Government of the USA! (See another Daily News Summary entry from today.)
The corporate owned media and their partners in government are working overtime to spread the fake news meme. This meme is designed to limit, and ultimately destroy, the independent and alternative media by censoring anti-establishment viewpoints.
Would You Like Fries With That?
My Grandma Made It, OKay?
"Facebook is giving fact-checking organizations a kind of power they've never had before: the power to publicly brand other websites' stories as 'disputed' and push them down in Facebook users' newsfeeds," reports Vox.
PolitiFact has been accused of bias and serious errors in judgment by critics on the right and left.
The Knight Foundation, one of PolitiFact's largest donors, gave $200,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Knight also funds the Poynter Institute for Media Studies, a journalism school owned by The Tampa Bay Times newspaper.
It was also reported the International Fact-Checking Network financed by George Soros will be involved with the Facebook effort. It is hosted by the Poynter Institute and also funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, and the National Endowment for Democracy. NED's founder said the organization does what the CIA did in the old days, namely take down disfavored governments and produce propaganda.
Actor Jack Nicholson says he finally understood the meaning of the word
irony when his mother called him an SOB.
So let us consider Donald Trump, who campaigned as the populist champion of the working-class, promising that - by golly - he was going to take on Wall Street and the corporate elites.
But the bitter irony for the working class is that they now see what the SOB meant - he's literally "taking on" the moneyed powers, by taking them on-board his administration. Already he's brought in Wall Street billionaires to fill the three top economic policy positions in his cabinet.
Then there's Betsy DeVos, the billionaire heiress to the scandal-plagued Amway fortune. Her life's work has been trying to defund and privatize the public schools that working-class people count on, and to eliminate the working-class jobs of teachers and support staff.
Her new job with Trump? Secretary of education, where she'll now use our public money to undermine our public education system.
And here comes Myron Ebell, honcho of the Competitive Enterprise Institute - a corporate front group funded by fossil fuel profiteers like Exxon and the Koch brothers - where he pushed relentlessly to gut the Environmental Protection Agency.
Where's he now? Heading Trump's EPA transition team.
Also, more than half the members of Trump's Department of Defense transition team have been executives or lobbyists for such military contractors as Boeing.
Overall, according to the watchdog group Public Citizen, three-fourths of Trump's transition teams - which are organizing, staffing, and shaping our new government - come from corporate America. Not a single working class populist has been allowed a seat at the table.
As America's working stiffs know, if you're not at the table, you're on the menu. Trump's no populist. He's a full-time corporatist.
Change Hope, Hope Change!
SMACK! Rahm Emanuel Appointment
HEY, what's that about?!
SMACK! Card Check Inaction!
Grrr, what's up with YOU?!
SMACK! Afghan War Surge!
SMACK! Health Care - scratch that - Health INSURANCE Reform!
SMACK! BP Oil Spil in the Gulf!
SMACK! Biden's "Whiners" speech!
GRRRRRRRRRRR! Fists Clenched!
SMACK! Social Security Cuts!
(Finally, Progressives start to push back, fist raised!)
DNC: Hey! What happened to CIVILITY?!
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