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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Clinton Watts, a security consultant, former FBI agent and a fellow at the nonprofit Foreign Policy Research Institute, said the U.S. government no longer has an organization, such as the U.S. Information Agency, that provided counter-narratives during the Cold War.
He said that most major Russian disinformation campaigns in the United States and Europe have started at Russian-government funded media outlets, such as RT television or Sputnik News, before being amplified on Twitter by others.
Any idiot who thinks the U.S. Government doesn't have anyone performing the role of creating and desseminating counter-narratives such as those from the cold-war has to be out of their mind.
I don't know the present level of funding, but during the Shrub years, the early and mid naughts, the funding of propaganda was around $500M / year. Today, the U.S. Government uses the Main Stream Media as outlets for its lies and other propaganda, and they pay handsomely for it - using OUR money, of course. And, it would seem, one of the biggest jobs the CIA does is creating "fake news", then trying to cram it down everyone's throats.
Also, in a MAJOR change from the past, the U.S. government is now no longer prohibited by law from spreading propaganda within the United States.
The measure passed by 3,995 votes with the support of 381,768 people, Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap said in a statement. That was a slightly narrower margin of victory than the 4,073 vote gap reported following the Nov. 8 election.
The measure now goes to Governor Paul LePage, who has 10 days under Maine law to issue a proclamation of the vote results. It would take effect 30 days later, setting the stage for the drug to become legal for adults over 21 beginning late next month.
The Democratic embrace of wealthy and corporate donors has backfired miserably, considering the Party's failures in 2016. In response, elite donors are responding to losses by simply attempting to cut out the middleman in order to insert themselves in top leadership positions.
Politico reported on December 8 that billionaire donor Tom Steyer has expressed interest in running for governor of California in 2018, billionaire donor J.B. Pritzker wants to run for governor of Illinois, and multimillionaire John Morgan may run for governor of Florida.
Billionaire Democratic donor Stephen Bittel isn't waiting until 2018 to claim a top position within the party, but is currently using the influence his donations have provided to give himself the position of Florida Democratic Party chair. Bittel's Machiavellian ascent to top ranks of the Florida Democratic Party incited outrage among Bernie Sanders supporters, who are pushing to remove the corrupt influence wealthy and corporate donors have on the party.
The Commission on Presidential Debates, or CPD, has been under fire for its policies for several years now. For the past 24 years, the CPD has excluded anyone but the Republican and Democratic nominees from participating in the three presidential debates and one vice-presidential debate in September and October before the election.
An important lawsuit, Level the Playing Field, et al. v. Federal Election Commission, goes before a federal judge on Jan. 5. That suit seeks to accomplish what the CPD has refused to do on its own: change the rules to stop systematically preventing independent candidates from debating - and becoming president.
During their meeting, Sam Pernick, president of the Young Democrats of Michigan, and other Sanders supporters-who nearly outnumbered the rest of the attendees at the meeting-protested the lack of transparency and openness exercised by the Michigan Democratic Party, which rigged the DNC delegate nomination process behind closed doors. Michigan Democratic Party officials responded with force. Pernick and several others were nearly dragged out of the meeting. Pernick is pursuing charges, and the Westland Police Department recently issued Mike Stone, a senior Michigan Democratic Party official, a ticket for assault and battery.
"We need to make it clear that violence, assault and battery have no place in our party," Pernick said in a press release. "We came there to protest a lack of transparency and support Keith Ellison for DNC Chair-the reaction from leaders within the party was to violently throw us out of the room."
According to Konst and multiple other people involved with these discussions, the Clinton campaign agreed to a meeting with a cadre of Sanders surrogates during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in July. The purpose of the meeting, which included Clinton's national political director Amanda RenterĂa and Team Hillary's progressive outreach coordinator (and former Sanders senior aide) Nick Carter, was to address the concerns many Sanders camp alums were voicing about Clinton's strategy going into the general election against Trump. Carter declined to comment on this story.
"Once we were at the convention, Bernie people were on the ground-we could feel it, people were pissed off, there with their pitchforks ready to fight," Konst recalled. "But before the convention, after the platform committee meeting that I was on, Bernie surrogates were talking constantly, saying, 'Oh my god, Hillary is going to lose if she doesn't address TPP and [free] trade and [all these] other issues. We were looking at the polling and thought that if these people stay home, she'll lose."
It doesn't matter WHO hacked into the DNC; Whether it was the Russians, the Chinese or SATAN himself!
The point is; the emails EXIST, are GENUINE, and the SYSTEM is RIGGED!
SHARE if you are OUTRAGED!
Despite endorsements from Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and many other more "sensible" Democrats, opponents of Ellison continue to fight to spread misinformation and outdated campaign criticisms to keep the progressive agenda sidelined.
Both DNC members who are critical of Ellison, and some of whom support Perez have begun attacking Ellison with outdated attacks used during his first run for the house way back in 2006. These recycled talking points have long been explained away, and the reigniting of those same criticisms is unfair and crooke
The city of New Orleans will pay $13.3 million to settle civil rights violations committed by the New Orleans Police Department during three lethal confrontations between officers and civilians in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The settlement includes payments for the families of victims killed or injured in the shooting of unarmed civilians on the Danziger Bridge; for the beating death of Raymond Robair, 48, who was killed before the storm; and for the fatal shooting of Henry Glover, who was killed by a police officer standing guard outside an Algiers shopping center.
The dollar amount was announced during an emotional news conference held Monday (Dec. 19) by Mayor Mitch Landrieu, whose administration played a key role in negotiating the settlement on behalf of the NOPD. Landrieu said that the settlement marks a "painful" moment in the history of the department, but that it also provides closure to both the victims and the city.
He also apologized on behalf of the city, accepting responsibility for the slayings.
"We are going to change as a people and we are going to change as a city because we choose to," Landrieu said. He said the city has taken major steps toward improving the operations of the police department to ensure that such violence and the subsequent cover-up would not occur again.
"In some small way, the lives that have been maimed and the lives have been taken were not lives that were or will be lived in vain," Landrieu said as the families of the victims stood behind him. "The people standing behind you have chosen to give us the grace and the blessing of forgiveness for what it is that happened to them."
New Orleans has agreed to pay $13.3 million to settle lawsuits over injuries and deaths at the hands of police in the weeks before and after Hurricane Katrina.
Mayor Mitch Landrieu announced the deal Monday, saying it represents the city taking responsibility after more than a decade. The settlement covers 17 plaintiffs who sued the city for wrongful death and personal injury, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reported.
The city will pay people who were injured and the families of people killed in three lethal confrontations with New Orleans police in 2005. In two of those incidents, Raymond Robair was beaten to death before the storm and Henry Glover was shot to death by a police officer standing guard outside a shopping center after the storm.
...Sorry, Stephanie didn't provide any excerpts...
Watch the video, it's awesome.
Russia kicked the U.S. out of any further talks about Syria after the U.S. blew a deal which, after long delaying negotiations, Kerry had made with the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov.
In a recent interview Kerry admits that it was opposition from the Pentagon, not Moscow or Damascus, that had blown up his agreement with Russia over Syria:
More recently, he has clashed inside the administration with Defense Secretary Ashton Carter. Kerry negotiated an agreement with Russia to share joint military operations, but it fell apart.
"Unfortunately we had divisions within our own ranks that made the implementation of that extremely hard to accomplish," Kerry said. "But I believe in it, I think it can work, could have worked."
Kerry's agreement with Russia did not just "fell apart". The Pentagon actively sabotaged it by intentionally and perfidiously attacking the Syrian army.
Clinton Watts, a security consultant, former FBI agent and a fellow at the nonprofit Foreign Policy Research Institute, said the U.S. government no longer has an organization, such as the U.S. Information Agency, that provided counter-narratives during the Cold War.
He said that most major Russian disinformation campaigns in the United States and Europe have started at Russian-government funded media outlets, such as RT television or Sputnik News, before being amplified on Twitter by others.
Any idiot who thinks the U.S. Government doesn't have anyone performing the role of creating and desseminating counter-narratives such as those from the cold-war has to be out of their mind.
I don't know the present level of funding, but during the Shrub years, the early and mid naughts, the funding of propaganda was around $500M / year. Today, the U.S. Government uses the Main Stream Media as outlets for its lies and other propaganda, and they pay handsomely for it - using OUR money, of course. And, it would seem, one of the biggest jobs the CIA does is creating "fake news", then trying to cram it down everyone's throats.
Also, in a MAJOR change from the past, the U.S. government is now no longer prohibited by law from spreading propaganda within the United States.
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