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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

News Summaries For 20161223


Image: (Skeptical kid) So let me get this straight...

Contributed by: Deep_Ones


So let me get this straight...

The DNC is mad at Russia because they think they are trying to manipulate our election by exposing that the DNC is manipulating our election?

Image: It's not my fault, Officer, the Russians hacked my speedometer!

Contributed by: Deep_Ones


5 problems with CIA claim Russia / Putin hacked the U.S. election

Contributed by: Deep_Ones


When unnamed officials from the CIA recently claimed that Russia hacked the U.S. Presidential Election, but failed to provide any evidence, suspicions immediately circulated that the allegation was a complete fabrication - particularly as left-leaning corporate media unquestioningly parroted the story.

The Washington Post tried - and miserably failed - to convince the U.S. populace professional Russian propagandists were running nearly every alternative and independent media outlet, and had plotted to smear Hillary Clinton, by publishing John Podesta's emails to ensure Donald Trump's victory.

The Free Thought Project wrote:

"In tandem with the ratcheting up of anti-Russia propaganda by the left political and media establishment has been the equally laughable war on putative fake news, because - according to Clintonite Democrats and a smattering of Republicans - fake news also helped Trump win.

Of course, the irony in all this is the mainstream media's articles on the CIA's claims and allegations of Russian meddling are the exact sort of fake news which threatens to do actual, physical, palpable damage - whether by crushing dissent or instigating war with the U.S.' old Cold War foe.

Fortunately, alternative media - sans any paychecks from President Putin - and a few journalists with integrity have brilliantly torn through the American propaganda machine to shine the light of truth on claims of Russian hacking."

Ben Swann, an investigative reporter who's been praised for covering controversial and undercovered stories, reveals five problems with the CIA's claims against Russia's involvement in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections.

Here are 5 problems with the CIA's claims that Russia hacked the U.S. Presidential Election:

  1. The CIA did not formally release a report about Russia's hacking - rather anonymous sources inside the agency allegedly leaked the "conclusion" to WaPo and NYT.
  2. These anonymous sources did not provide any evidence support their statements.
  3. THE CIA LIES. In 2016 \- 2018, the Senate Intelligence Committee blasted the CIA for an "ongoing culture of misinformation." A 4-year, $40 million Senate report revealed the CIA lied about brutal torture techniques after 9/11. Oh, and let's not forget about the CIA's assessment of Iraq's WMDs.
  4. CIA investigators do not even agree on the assessment, according to WaPo's article.
  5. Wikileaks' founder and editor, Julian Assange, has repeated said it was leak - not a hack.

NOTE: We corrected their errors above - there's no "left media" that did what they were talking about.

Additionally, their list is incomplete! Here's a whopper: Even if Russia / Putin DID hack in to get the emails, that doesn't mean they leaked what they'd learned. It makes ZERO sense for them to do so, and besides, we can be sure they'd rather have an arrogant idiot who leaves the digital doors wide open to walk through than someone who's more clueful about security as president.

Image: Hillary: Russians hacked my crowd

Contributed by: unsure


An image of a Hillary speech showing all of maybe 20 people looking on.

Ya think maybe she lost because she wasn't actually popular? NAW, that can't be it! MUST be Russians!

Image: The Corporate States of America

Contributed by: Deep_Ones


U.N. Security Council demands end to Israeli settlements, U.S. abstains

Contributed by: smkngman3


The Obama administration on Friday allowed the U.N. Security Council to adopt a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements, defying pressure from U.S. President-elect Donald Trump as well as Israel and several U.S. senators who urged Washington to use its veto.

The resolution was put forward at the 15-member council for a vote on Friday by New Zealand, Malaysia, Venezuela and Senegal a day after Egypt withdrew it under pressure from Israel and U.S. President-elect Donald Trump. Israel and Trump had called on the United States to veto the measure.

It was adopted with 14 votes in favor, to a round of applause. It is the first resolution the Security Council has adopted on Israel and the Palestinians in nearly eight years.

Image: (Skeptical kid) So let me get this straight...

Contributed by: Deep_Ones


So let me get this straight...

The DNC is mad at Russia because they think they are trying to manipulate our election by exposing that the DNC is manipulating our election?

The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries

Contributed by: smkngman3


The CIA has accused Russia of interfering in the 2016 presidential election by hacking into Democratic and Republican computer networks and selectively releasing emails. But critics might point out the U.S. has done similar things.

The U.S. has a long history of attempting to influence presidential elections in other countries - it's done so as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000, according to a database amassed by political scientist Dov Levin of Carnegie Mellon University.

Image: The Cookie Monster on Santa Clause's Cookies

Contributed by: smkngman3


DNC Chair Nominees Embrace Establishment, Ensures DNC Remains Worthless

Contributed by: smkngman3


The DNC has been worthless, and if the race for the new DNC chair is any indication, it will continue to be worthless. Sen. Bernie Sanders endorsed Rep. Keith Ellison for the position. However, Clinton campaign surrogate and former Secretary of Labor Tom Perez has been cozying up the Democratic Party establishment in hopes of winning the most votes from the establishment members in February.

In a recent interview with Huffington Post, Perez swooned over Obama, and refused to support re-enacting a DNC ban on donations from lobbyists and PACs that Wasserman Schultz quietly lifted during the primaries to help Hillary Clinton keep up in fundraising with Sanders' grassroots campaign. Clinton frequently aligned herself with Obama while trying to distance the president from Sanders as a campaign strategy to solidify establishment support, and now Perez is doing the same.

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