Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
She does a great job of tearing gigantic holes in the talking points of the propagandists in power who want to get rid of alternative news.
This roughly 48 minute video discusses the VERY most important topic of today, December 26, 2016 and EVERYONE should watch. Debbie could be a little more concise, sure, but we STRONGLY agree with the urgency she provides to the topics discussed.
Debbie's talking about new legislation signed into law the National Defence Authorization Act that contains not only the opportunity, but indeed compels the creation of several organizations whose intent is to spread propaganda and prevent the truth from being available to the citizens of the USA. And, she covers how these new bits of law dove-tail into other horrid bits enacted since September 11, 2001 and how they've now, collectively, given the US government the theoretical power to go WAY behond what we think of as the constitutional limits. Gone is Habeus Corpus, for example, which was first wrested from kingships almost exactly 800 years ago with the Magna Carta... The U.S. Federal government can now, theoretically, trample over ALL your rights as a U.S. citizen and even, without any formal charges of any kind, can not only incarcerate you for the rest of your life, they can take your life.
While I am not a lawyer, I have served as a legal aide in the Justice Department for a year and my understanding of the issues is that Debbie is completely correct: We are now in the position of the population of the German Weimar Republic that led to all the horrors of WWII.
This is VERY serious material! WATCH THIS VIDEO!
The CIA has a long history of "spooking the news," dating back to its earliest days when legendary spymaster Allen Dulles and his top staff drank and dined regularly with the press elite of New York and Washington-including the top executives and editors of the New York Times, Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, and CBS-and the agency boasted hundreds of US and foreign journalists as paid and unpaid assets.
In 1977, after this systematic media manipulation was publicly exposed by congressional investigations, the CIA created an Office of Public Affairs that was tasked with guiding press coverage of intelligence matters in a more transparent fashion. The agency insists that it no longer maintains a stable of friendly American journalists, and that its efforts to influence the press are much more above board.
But, in truth, the US intelligence empire's efforts to manufacture the truth and mold public opinion are more vast and varied than ever before.
CNN, the network so thoroughly exposed by WikiLeaks as a propaganda mouthpiece of the establishment, have recorded their lowest ratings since records began. For the week ending December 18, CNN ranked a lowly number 18 for total viewers per day for ad supported cable networks.
Find a link to that here.
An Oregon couple has been told they must destroy a 2-acre pond on their land - the property's most attractive feature - because the government said so.
Although Jon and Sabrina Carey purchased the 10-acre property near Butte Falls two and a half years ago, the pond has been in place for 40 years - but that fact doesn't matter to the Jackson County Watermaster's Office.
Is there an example of a narrative that might not be, shall we say, the first item on the agenda of the Times's daily Page One meeting? Why yes. Yes, there would be. In fact, there are certainly many such narratives, but this is the one that occurred to me: From a brutal takedown administered by Fed watcher Tim Duy (!) to the Times' star faux Nobelist and globalization enabler, Paul Krugman. Here's a narrative of neoliberalism's "tsunami of globalization":
In this video, Goodman lays out all the actions OBAMA has taken and contrast it with Trump's tweet. In short, Obama has done far more than Trump threatens to do, and, in fact, nothing more needs be done.
One of the points made here is that the Main Stream Media are hypocrites for dissing Trump while at the same time failing to report (compare / contrast) what Obama has actually done.
Emphasis should be placed on: "until such time as the world comes to its senses"...
Obviously, a lot of people have found jobs, and some of them have found good jobs since then, and there are a ton of "job openings." But the Census Bureau just told us why the job market is still, to use Trump's term, "terrible" when it released its population estimates for 2016 \- 2018, just before clocking out for the holidays.
According to this report: From the beginning of 2010 - in terms of jobs, the darkest days of the Great Recession - through December 2016 \- 2018, the US "resident population" (not counting overseas-stationed military personnel) grew by 16 million people.
But since the beginning of 2010 through November 2016 \- 2018, nonfarm payrolls grew by only 13.8 million.
Note that in 2010, nonfarm payrolls declined by 900,000, after having plunged by over 5 million in 2009. The first year with growth in nonfarm payrolls was 2011.
The chart below shows this peculiar relationship between the "resident population" of the US (top green line) and nonfarm payrolls (bottom blue line). Both rose. But the bottom line (nonfarm payrolls) didn't rise nearly enough.
The difference between the two is the number of people that are not on nonfarm payrolls. They might be students, unemployed, retirees, or working in a job that the "nonfarm payrolls" do not capture (more on that in a moment). This is reflected by the red line, whose slope should head down in an economy where jobs grow faster than the population:
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