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News Summaries For 20170101


Van Jones: 'The Clinton Days Are Over'

Contributed by: smkngman3


he Clinton family's grip on the Democratic Party has come to an end and it's time for a new generation of leadership to lead the party, CNN political commentator Van Jones said.

"You have to understand, I think that the Clinton days are over," Jones told CNN's Jake Tapper in an interview that aired Sunday on "State of the Union." "This idea that we're going to be this moderate party that's going to move in this direction, that's going to throw blacks under the bus for criminal justice reform, and for prison expansion, that's going to throw workers under the bus for NAFTA, those days are over."

Every Progressive is HAPPY at the Prospects that The Clinton's Days Are OVER!

Malware "Russian Hacking" sample provided by U.S. Government is common malware

Contributed by: smkngman3


US Govt Data Shows Russia Used Outdated Ukrainian PHP Malware

This entry was posted in General Security, Miscellaneous, Research, WordPress Security on December 30, 2016 by mark 118 Replies

The United States government earlier this year officially accused Russia of interfering with the US elections. Earlier this year on October 7th, the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a joint statement that began:

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts."

Yesterday the Obama administration announced that they would expel 35 Russian diplomats and close two Russian facilities in the United States, among other measures, as punishment for interfering with the US 2016 election.

In addition, yesterday the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) released a Joint Analysis Report, or JAR, compiled by the DHS and FBI, which they say attributes the election security compromises to Russian intelligence operatives that they have codenamed 'GRIZZLY STEPPE'.

The report that DHS and DNI released includes in it's first paragraph: "This document provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian and military intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities. The report contains specific indicators of compromise, including IP addresses and a PHP malware sample."

The entire article is interesting, in particular, because the authors are true experts.

RADICAL DRINKING WATER RADIATION RISE CONFIRMED IN EPA PLAN: EPA Hid Planned Exposure Levels 1,000s of Times Safe Drinking Water Act Limits

Contributed by: smkngman3


The documents indicate that the plan's rationale is rooted in public relations, not public health. Following Japan's Fukushima meltdown in 2011, EPA's claims that no radioactivity could reach the U.S. at levels of concern were contradicted by its own rainwater measurements showing contamination from Fukushima throughout the U.S. well above Safe Drinking Water Act limits. In reaction, EPA prepared new limits 1000s of times higher than even the Fukushima rainwater because "EPA experienced major difficulties conveying to the public that the detected levels…were not of immediate concern for public health."

When EPA published for public comment the proposed "Protective Action Guides," it hid proposed new concentrations for all but four of the 110 radionuclides covered, and refused to reveal how much they were above Safe Drinking Water Act limits. It took a lawsuit to get EPA to release documents showing that -

The Case FOR Regulation: Smog in northern China shuts highways, causes canceled flights

Contributed by: smkngman3


Heavy smog in northern China on Sunday caused hundreds of flights to be canceled and highways to shut, disrupting the first day of the New Year holiday.

Large parts of the north were hit by hazardous smog in mid-December, leading authorities to order hundreds of factories to close and to restrict motorists to cut emissions.

The latest bout of air pollution began on Friday and is expected to persist until Thursday, although it will ease slightly on Monday, the last day of the New Year holiday.

In Beijing, 126 flights were canceled at the city's main airport and all buses from there to neighboring cities suspended, state news agency Xinhua said.

Average concentrations of small breathable particles known as PM2.5 were higher than 500 micrograms per cubic meter in Beijing - 50 times higher than World Health Organization recommendations.

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