Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
The second story on the electric grid turned out to be far worse than I realized when I wrote about it on Saturday, when it became clear that there was no "penetration of the U.S. electricity grid" as the Post had claimed. In addition to the editor's note, the Russia-hacked-our-electric-grid story now has a full-scale retraction in the form of a separate article admitting that "the incident is not linked to any Russian government effort to target or hack the utility" and there may not even have been malware at all on this laptop.
But while these debacles are embarrassing for the paper, they are also richly rewarding. That's because journalists - including those at the Post - aggressively hype and promote the original, sensationalistic false stories, ensuring that they go viral, generating massive traffic for the Post (the paper's executive editor, Marty Baron, recently boasted about how profitable the paper has become).
After spreading the falsehoods far and wide, raising fear levels and manipulating U.S. political discourse in the process (both Russia stories were widely hyped on cable news), journalists who spread the false claims subsequently note the retraction or corrections only in the most muted way possible, and often not at all. As a result, only a tiny fraction of people who were exposed to the original false story end up learning of the retractions.
371 new Hillary Clinton emails released as a result of litigation
Italy's media and traditional political parties were up in arms Wednesday after the head of the populist Five Star movement accused the country's journalists of "manufacturing false news".
A BBC report that focused on Jeremy Corbyn's views on a shoot-to-kill policy breached accuracy guidelines, according to a provisional decision by a watchdog.
However, the "drafted finding" by the BBC Trust to uphold complaints against the News at Six item by Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg is now being looked at "afresh" following feedback from the BBC.
Julian Assange is a Journalist.
Rachel Maddow is a Corporate Shill.
Last January, in his surprising endorsement of Senator Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, former Labor Secretary Robert Reich made an astute observation which bears repeating following Donald Trump's victory on November 8th.
"I've known Hillary Clinton since she was 19 years old, and have nothing but respect for her," he wrote in his blog. "In my view, she's the most qualified candidate for president of the political system we now have. But Bernie Sanders is the most qualified candidate to create the political system we should have, because he's leading a political movement for change."
Despite the many theories circulating as to why Clinton lost the election, that quote says it all.
"There's no savior out there." That's a line from "Lord's Prayer," a song written by TV Smith for the Lords of the Church, a band that trafficked in 1980s melodic punk. Here's some more:
"There ain't no savior out thereYour stairway to heaven leads nowhere
Don't look to me for emancipation
You are your only salvation."
That's my message to Americans who want to resist Donald Trump and his works - or more precisely the policies of the most right-wing cabinet in American history. Waiting for divine intervention is lunacy. If you're serious about slowing down the Pencites, you'd better get ready to take them on yourselves.
You sure won't be able to count on the Democratic Party.
Making a broad, sweeping claim of "insufficiency" is an attempt by Brazile to manufacture outrage over WikiLeaks releasing damning emails between the DNC and Clinton campaign manager John Podesta. The emails exposed Brazile for helping the Clinton campaign cheat before debates on CNN, which ultimately led the network to sever ties with Brazile. The DNC, however, has much lower standards and has allowed Brazile to continue to serve as its interim chair and to issue statements on its behalf that criticize the current administration. If Brazile wants to talk about "insufficient action," she can start by explaining why the DNC has allowed her to keep her position, even after evidence was released that she overtly violated their charter.
The wife of a jailed activist, who faces felony charges for a digital sit-in against the Boston Children's Hospital website, demands President-elect Donald Trump use his influence to have the charges dropped.
Marty Gottesfeld learned about the case of Justina Pelletier, who was institutionalized in a psychiatric ward in 2013 against her parents' wishes. Gottesfeld allegedly organized with members of Anonymous and participated in a distributed denial of service (DDOS) operation that disrupted the donation portal for the hospital website.
Gottesfeld was arrested in Miami in February last year and faces a conspiracy charge and charges of "intent to damage a protected computer," which are offenses under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. If convicted, he faces up to 25 years in prison and could pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in restitution.
Carmen Ortiz, who zealously prosecuted Aaron Swartz until he committed suicide in 2013, is the federal prosecutor leading the effort to prosecute Gottesfeld.
Many top Democrats are stoking a political firestorm. We keep hearing that Russia attacked democracy by hacking into Democratic officials' emails and undermining Hillary Clinton's campaign. Instead of candidly assessing key factors such as longtime fealty to Wall Street that made it impossible for her to ride a populist wave, the party line has increasingly circled around blaming Vladimir Putin for her defeat.
Of course partisan spinners aren't big on self-examination, especially if they're aligned with the Democratic Party's dominant corporate wing. And the option of continually fingering the Kremlin as the main villain of a 2016 morality play is clearly too juicy for functionary Democrats to pass up - even if that means scorching civil liberties and escalating a new cold war that could turn radioactively hot.
This study by Ibrahim and Okasha entitled "Effect of genetically modified corn on the jejunal mucosa of adult male albino rat.," and published in the journal Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology has demonstrated that rats fed GM Bt corn MON810 for only 90 days did indeed suffer rather serious damage to the surface mucous membranes of the jejunum - which is part of the small intestine.
The specific type of corn fed to the rats was MON810: Ajeeb YG. This is a GM version of Ajeeb, which is a local species of corn grown in Egypt. The GM version was created by Monsanto for the Egyptian market.
Dad, what's an example of Irony?
It's like when the CIA and the U.S. Government complain about someone else interfering in an election.
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