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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

News Summaries For Friday, August 23, 2018


Statement on the Sentencing of Whistleblower Reality Winner for Disclosing NSA Report on Russian Election Hacking

Contributed by: photosymbiosis


Editor's Note: This subject is one all Progressives should know something about. In short, a well-meaning but misguided whistleblower named Reality Winner disclosed likely-false information about the so far unsubstantiated Russia-Gate right-wing (deep state) claims about election interference (in the failed effort to get Hillary Clinton elected) to the otherwise informative site The Intercept. The Intercept, in turn, handed over original documents that got Ms. Winner indicted, tried and, now, convicted. For Progressives - and all truth seekers - it's worth noting how the deep state "eats its own" as here there has been no substantiation of the Russian interference narrative, and the prosecution of Reality certainly looks to objective observers as a desperate attempt to support their claims under the guise that if they weren't true, they wouldn't prosecute. Clear thinking people see that as weak tea, at best.

MEANWHILE Photosymbiosis' comment was exceptional and worth citing.

Lesson: Don't hand original documents over, use some other medium. Don't hand original photos over, since digital photos have all kinds of identifiers like location, device used, etc. Screenshots of photographs of documents are not a bad way to go. Someone really ought to publish a 'Whistleblower's Guide To Secure Document Leaking" - oh, I think Wikileaks already has. That's probably a better place to deliver leaked documents to.

As far as the original documents leaked, this one deserves a bit more study. It shows how spearphishing works and is very instructive.

Note that the only link to the Russian GRU in it is the one labelled 'probably'.

The use of Operational Relay Boxes is curious, too. Some NSA documents on a program called HACIENDA that the NSA and GCHQ used to run massive similar programs all over the world are detailed here.

So, it's hard to say exactly how the Podesta and DNC emails ended up at Wikileaks, but in terms of whistleblowing, that's certainly as justifiable as Snowden and Reality Winner leaking NSA documents. Speaking of which, when is the Intercept going to publish the full trove of Snowden documents? Surely the NSA has updated its procedures and those documents should be more widely shared, for historical purposes if nothing else. I'm sure Wikileaks would be happy to host them.

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