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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Photosymbiosys has a comment urged by this The Intercept article about the murder of a writer for the Washington Post.
This is where the differences between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton
really come to light. Clinton would have successfully leaned on the
Turkish government and the Washington Post to keep their mouths shut about
this little incident, while Trump just fumbles and bumbles it. So it blows
up in his face.
Nobody cared when Obama assassinated an American citizen in Yemen, cause Obama was a good guy, nobody cared when Obama ran more Espionage Act cases against American citizens than any US president in history, but when Trump spits on the press, it's a travesty???
Yep Trump is just Obama without a fig leaf. And neither Obama nor Trump is as bad as that Bush crime family and their stupid Yale brat, GW Bush, who belongs in a jail cell for war criminals along with Dick "Shooter" Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, plus Condi Rice.
This is the Brezhnev Soviet state corruption, right here in the USA, a corrupt Congress in the pay of major donors, a Supreme Kangeroo Court of con artists and frat boy boozers, and Trump as the cherry on top. Exceptional!
Yes Israel and Saudi Arabia, the apartheid state with a clandestine nuclear weapons program and the dictatorship that kills and tortures with impunity, as bad as the Shah of Iran and Savak in the 1970s, those are our last remaining 'allies'... with friends like this...
When the bough breaks the Empire will fall... the sooner the better. I could care less if the Saudis pull their $5 billion out of Uber. Why not just freeze all their assets in the USA, that would be a nice jack move, wouldn't it? I bet Rand Paul would go for it. Maybe Bernie Sanders too... Call it, oh, new information revealed about Saudi support for international terrorism, leads to global sanctions. Wapo and NYT headlines? Sure why not, just apply the pressure appropriately...
Note to Trumpf, NuttinYahoo, and MaximumBS: "Your never ending spree of death and violence and hate, is gonna tie your own rope, tie your own rope, tie your own rope. . ."
France's Macron should create a refugee camp for the 15000 or so members of the Saudi Royal Family along the French Riviera, there's only about 30 million Saudis who'd happily see the lot marched off to the guillotine French Revolution style. . .
France and Britain went down in the 1950s. The last days of Empire are upon us. Nobody has time for this imperial bullshit anymore. Get over it.
I wrote a rebuttal / reply comment to an ignorant commenter named Matt who cited a shill named Lindzen. I thought it maybe shouldn't go down the memory hole of a comment section, so, here it is, edited slightly.
Matt makes a lot of absurd claims and sparks off a lot of commentary with those who point out the claims are absurd and was often defended by similarly ignorant commenter Kentov, the most powerful defense of which was that nobody picked apart Matt's silliness point by point...
As an earth scientist since 1995 I can tell you that Matt didn't offer much cogent remark to rebut, and when I first read it, I myself avoided any reply for that reason. But, I'll take a short stab at it now as I try to shake off this food-coma I'm just coming out of due to too-big of a lunch...
Matts first assertion is an appeal to "common sense" regarding CO2 with zero actual point made - nothing there to rebut, though in the same sentence he makes an idiotic assertion about humans "control[ing] the weather with our CO2" - whatever that even means. It's an assertion a 13 year old might make trying to sound smarter than they are or to have a point they don't really know how to make.
Matt then points us to discredited coal company shill Lindzen. I want to point out that Lindzen is a retired meteorologist not a climatologist, which goes on to explain why Matt confuses weather and climate which I find as amusing since the very paper he cites states, "At the heart of this nonsense is the failure to distinguish weather from climate. "
More substantively, Lindzen completely ignores what the earth science community calls "Global Ice". This is the mostly terrestrially supported ice around the world. Lindzen fails to tell you how many gigatonnes of terrestrially supported ice there are, where it is, how much of it is in low-lying places and what it means for sea level. He doesn't tell you how known sea level has been about 186 feet higher than it is today. He doesn't tell you about the feedback loop of rising seas melting more ice that then join the seas, so that some estimates are that if we get two feet in rise, we'll get more like ten feet due to this feedback, and then maybe a lot more as the cycle feeds back on itself. He doesn't tell you about melt-rates and their increases. He doesn't tell you about a super-huge glacier resting on a slope in Antarctica which is stretching and may break and send a chunk of roughly 100 miles across, averaging around 1.5 miles thick and, depending on where the break actually occurs, could be anywhere from 200 to 800 miles long (!!) and which will then slide into the ocean rather promptly, raising sea level by a great many feet all at once, much less does he tell you how a huge chunk of the ice shelf that was formerly holding back this massive glacier has recently broken away and floated off, now making that monster all the more likely to break free.
He completely ignores how virtually all the world's coral reefs are dying due to heat, how these hundreds of thousands to millions of year old structures are a great indicator of water temperature and indeed their deaths record when certain limits were reached rather accurately.
...He doesn't tell you about the changes to ocean chemistry as CO2 is absorbed by the oceans, how its going acidic. He doesn't tell you how that acidity is threatening not only crustaceans and shellfish but also various forms of plankton, vitally, plankton that provides the vast majority of all oxygen provided by plants and without which surface animal life, and, indeed ocean life, cannot live. So when in his conclusion he basically says, "why worry?" it's either sheer hubris / ignorance on his part, or it's blatantly evil if he actually knows better.
He lies to you about the supposed lack of evidence, ignoring things like ice cores, lightening strikes on sands that create natural glass which contains bubbles trapping ancient atmospheres, of plankton sediments that record very accurately ocean surface temperatures for millennia, and many other forms of evidence....
But he DOES tell you, correctly, that many predictions made by the global climate change research community have been wrong, but lies about the direction of the error! Of one rather notable case I can cite - the opening of the northwest passage - the error of published prediction and the actual event was AN ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ... too far into the future! And, folks, that's the wrong direction of error to be making, yet virtually all modern predictions, say, since 1995, have been in error by predicting things would be much slower than they actually are taking to occur.
...So when uninformed people like Matt make uninformed statements about what we know about the past, for example, you can ignore him. ... Views like Linden's, insofar as it slows us down from a robust response to this threat, are dangerous, not just for us, but for all the current biosphere. And for Dawgs Sake, we should all be taking on the propagandists of the ultra rich and telling them sit down and shut the fuck up. And, by the way, if you haven't figured it out already from my review of it, the cited paper from Linden was pure propaganda; there's no science in it and it does not accurately describe the state of the art of climate research.
The entire fleet of F-35 fighter jets has been grounded to inspect the
aircraft for suspected faulty fuel tubes, the US military said. The
decision comes in the wake of a Marine Corps' F-35B crash in South
Carolina last month.
See our prescient reporting of this here.
More references on the F-35 Joint Strke Fighter airplane
Contributed by: Dada Scientist SourceA reasonable YouTube editorial on the whole F-35 fiasco. AfriSynergyNews The speaker discusses the long-known mechanical problems with the F-35, the three different models F-35A F-35B, F-35C used by different branches of the military, the tremendous costs of the most expensive US weapons system ever, the supposed "Stealth" feature which doesn't actually work, the "gifts" of the place to our allies in the Middle East, and general bad management decisions. It costs alot and doesn't work as intended, in short.
Other relevant recent articles:
from F-35 fuel ine problem, leading to crash
from All F-35 jets grounded
"The F-35 program, the most expensive weapons program in history, has been decried by critics as a boondoggle. The fifth generation fighter jet has had numerous issues, including cost overruns and technical glitches.from F-35 US combat debut in Afghanistan
"The F-35B is the Marine Corps' version of the fighter and has the ability to take off and land vertically like a helicopter. It was declared combat-ready in 2015, the first variant to reach the milestone.
"The military has had a spate of aircraft crashes and mishaps in the past year, including an emergency landing with a Marine Corps F-35B in April, at Cherry Point, N.C.
"The program office insists, however, that it will "take every measure to ensure safe operations while we deliver, sustain and modernize the F-35 for the warfighter and our defense partners."
"Critics have decried the F-35 program, the most expensive weapons program in history, as a boondoggle. The Lockheed Martin-made jet has been beset by numerous issues, including cost overruns and technical glitches.
"President Trump himself bashed the F-35 during his transition, saying the program's costs were "out-of-control."
"More recently, though, he has taken credit for a cost reduction that analysts and Pentagon officials say was in the works before he got involved.
"Trump has also hailed the jet as "invisible." The F-35 has stealth technology, making it harder to be detected by radar, but is not invisible.
"Though Thursday's strike was the first time the United States used the F-35 in combat, it is not the jet's combat debut. In May, the Israel Defense Forces tweeted that it used its F-35 Adir fighters for airstrikes in the Middle East.
from Trump signs Pentagon bill, buys 93 F-35s and some other stuff"F-35 price drops below $90M "
For the cheapest model.
2018 September 28, Trump just signed military budget:
"The $854 billion spending package included about $674.4 billion for the Pentagon.
"It funds 93 F-35 fighter jets, 13 new Navy ships and 15,600 more active-duty troops.
Estimated cost of entire F-35 program, 1.5 trillion dollars. Some say "double that".
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