Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press
Photosymbiosis has once again applied her knowledge to analysis of current events and in this entry rails against the current congressional leadership's ineptness as she informs us about the Magnitsky act and it's aplicability to current events.
Why are Pelosi and Schumer keeping their mouths shut about this?
You'd also think this article would at least MENTION the Magnitsky Act, applied against Russia in 2012. . . Russia of course doesn't have billions in oil money parked in Wall Street banks (Saudi Arabia) nor do American corporations rely on Russian labor for cheap goods to fill the shelves of Walmarts and Amazon warehouses (see China). . .
Washington Post article about Magnitsky Act
One wonders what John "Thank God for the Saudis" McCain would have to say about this. . . Probably the same as Nancy Pelosi. Remember this classic photo of Pelosi and McCain chortling as they go to kiss the Saudi ring?
Reuters article on Iranian nuclear Deal.
Here's a telling quote about the real nature of the American Empire and its most stalwart partners, apartheid Israel and sadistic Saudi Arabia:
"The United States will have to signal to key regional partners that it is committed to their security and will continue to work with them on their top priorities. This means coordinating with Saudi Arabia, Israel and other important allies to develop and execute a comprehensive strategy for pushing back on destabilizing Iranian influence in the region. It also means increasing intelligence cooperation."
From Obama to Trump, so little has changed.
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