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Copyright © 2016 - 2025, The Troy Press

News Summaries For Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Contributed by: Art Richards


Hah, those are just recycled talking points from the fossil fuel sector.

Ethanol from corn is not any worse as far as agriculture goes than growing corn and soy to feed into factory farms to produce antibiotic-laden hormone-pumped hogs, cows and chickens. It's just a means for farmers to make a profit. As far as basic science, when corn grows, it converts atmospheric CO2 into sugars and cellusose and oil and protein; when you burn it it is converted back to atmospheric CO2. One huge problem in the Midwest is that that the ethanol distilleries tend to be coal-fired, however!

Regardless, switching over to vegetarian diet and not using land to grow crops for factory farms is a more important issue.

Also, for real green fuel, you cut the corn out of the picture and use solar and wind power to directly capture the CO2 and convert it to liquid hydrocarbon fuels. That's what the fossil fuel sector is really terrified of; that's why neither Obama nor Trump would finance such research.


Then you can use that process to make jet fuel, completely carbon-neutral, no fossil fuels needed! Those with investments in Texas and North Dakota and California oil & gas will of course scream bloody murder and try to get their pet politicians to stop it, along with their Saudi and Russian and Venezuelan pals, all of whom share the same goal of keeping the world addicted to fossil fuels, no matter the cost. Leaving China to take the lead, is how that is working out. Sad!

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